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Devtools in Mozilla Firefox Browser

Firefox provides a suite of tools for developers to use on their site. This tool lets developers edit styles, check for performance, check for responsiveness, check for the webpage’s use of storage, and much more. These tools are in-built into the Firefox browser and provide easy access and a simple UI for developers to understand and use. This set of tools is accessed in a sub-window called Developer Tools, or DevTools.

Benefits of DevTools

DevTools is a great place for developers to debug and view various things related to their web pages. The benefits it provides to the developers are:

Opening the DevTools in Firefox

We have multiple ways to open DevTools. These are:

Opening DevTools

About all the DevTools in Firefox

There are many tools and features in Firefox DevTools, lets us understand them one by one.

All DevTools options

Core Tools

Inspector Tool

Console Tool

Debugger Tool

Network Tool

Style Editor Tool

Performance Tool

Memory Tool

Storage Tool


DOM tool

Additional Features

The DevTools is also equipped with some great feature other than the core tools. These are:

Using Pick a Element Option

Selecting a iframe present in the webpage

Taking screenshot of the entire webpage

Toggling Rulers

Measuring a portion of the webpage

Testing for Responsive Design

Customizing Developer Tools

Enable missing tools and features

Some of options may be disable by default to enable them first select the top-right three dots and the click Settings from the menu that appears. In the setting menu check what ever option you wan to enable.

Settings in DevTools


A webpage can have many problems to tackle and debug by the developers. DevTools in Firefox comes as a savior it provides various tools with respect to the webpage styles, JavaScript, performance and many other aspects. These tools have lower learning curve and developers also have options to customize the DevTools window.

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