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Deutsche Bank Interview Experience for Software Engineer 2023

Deutsche Bank visited our campus around the second last week of July 2023. It was for the batch of 2024. The whole process was divided into 5 parts :

1) Online Coding test

It consist of three coding questions. 1 Easy and 2 Medium Level.

First Question: Mary has baked K cakes. She wants to put candles numbered 1, 2 ,…,K. on the cakes (one candle on each cake) She went to the store to buy candles. The candle shop has a stack of candle boxes The shopkeeper is lazy and will only sell the candle on top of the stack each time a customer comes. Mary does not want to spend too much extra money yet she wants to buy the candles she needs. What is the minimum number of candles that Mary has to buy in order to have at least, the candles numbered 1, 2 ,…,K . All the boxes in the stack have one unique numbered candle. Candle[0] is at the top of the stack, whereas candle [N – 1] is at the bottom of the stack.

Second Question: John is playing a battle royale game in which the game consists of N heroes and M monsters. The powers of the heroes and the monsters are represented by arrays A and B respectively. A hero can defeat a monster if his power is greater than or equal to the power of the monster. A hero gains some number of coins corresponding to the monster he defeated. The coins after defeating a particular monster are represented by an array C of size M. The health of a hero doesn’t get reduced after defeating a monster. A monster can be defeated by multiple heroes. Determine the number of coins each hero can collect by defeating any monsters in the game.

I Don’t exactly remember the third one.

I solved 1 fully and two partially. Passed 6/10 and 8/10 testcases for the partially solved questions.

Got shortlisted with 49 other students out of 230 students.

2) Technical round -1

It was conducted in offline and in-person mode. The interviewer was one of the AVPs of Deutsche Bank. I carried my hardcopy of my resume to her. She took a minute to go through my resume. Questions asked after that:

Out of 50, 29 were shortlisted and I was one of them. Overall I got stuck with 3-4 question but tried to answer them partially.

3) Technical round -2

I almost thought that I wont be shortlisted for this round because I didn’t answer few questions. Suddenly my name was called out for the interview, I didn’t have time to collect my thoughts. So this time interviewer was one of the VPs of Deutsche Bank. He went through my resume.

I was not shortlisted for third round.

Piece of advice :

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