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Data Types in Scala

A data type is a categorization of data which tells the compiler that which type of value a variable has. For example, if a variable has an int data type, then it holds numeric value. In Scala, the data types are similar to Java in terms of length and storage. In Scala, data types are treated same objects so the first letter of the data type is in capital letter. The data types that are available in Scala as shown in the below table:

DataType Default value Description
Boolean False True or False
Byte 0 8 bit signed value. Range:-128 to 127
Short 0 16 bit signed value. Range:-215 to 215-1
Char ‘\u000’ 16 bit unsigned unicode character. Range:0 to 216-1
Int 0 32 bit signed value. Range:-231 to 231-1
Long 0L 64 bit signed value. Range:-263 to 263-1
Float 0.0F 32 bit IEEE 754 single-Precision float
Double 0.0D 64 bit IEEE 754 double-Precision float
String null A sequence of character
Unit Coinsides to no value.
Nothing It is a subtype of every other type and it contains no value.
Any It is a supertype of all other types
AnyVal It serve as value types.
AnyRef It serves as reference types.

Note: Scala does not contain the concept of primitive type like in Java. For Example: 

// Scala program to illustrate Datatypes
object Test
def main(args: Array[String])
    var a: Boolean = true
    var a1: Byte = 126
    var a2: Float = 2.45673f
    var a3: Int = 3
    var a4: Short = 45
    var a5: Double = 2.93846523
    var a6: Char = 'A'
    if (a == true)
    println("byte:" + a1)
    println("float:" + a2)
    println("integer:" + a3)
    println("short:" + a4)
    println("double:" + a5)
    println("char:" + a6)



Literals in Scala : Here we will discuss different types of literals used in Scala.

02 0 40 213 0xFFFFFFFF 0743L

0.7 1e60f 3.12154f 1.0e100 .3

package scala final case class Symbol private (name: String) { override def toString: String = “‘” + name }

‘\b’ ‘a’ ‘\r’ ‘\u0027’

“welcome to \n geeksforgeeks” “\\This is the tutorial of Scala\\”

“””welcome to geeksforgeeks\n this is the tutorial of \n scala programming language”””

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