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Create Find and Replace features in Tkinter Text Widget

Prerequisites: Python GUI – tkinter
Firstly we need to find all the words or letters that we want to replace in our below text for that we will use the find function in which we will determine all the starting and the ending indexes from the editor of the same word after that we will apply the replace functionality in which we will delete that part of the text and after that, we will apply insert function to add the text at that exact positions.
Important inbuilt functions used

Below is the implementation. 

from tkinter import *
# to create a window
root = Tk()
# root window is the parent window
fram = Frame(root)
# Creating Label, Entry Box, Button
# and packing them adding label to
# search box
Label(fram, text ='Find').pack(side = LEFT)
# adding of single line text box
edit = Entry(fram)
# positioning of text box
edit.pack(side = LEFT, fill = BOTH, expand = 1)
# setting focus
# adding of search button
Find = Button(fram, text ='Find')
Find.pack(side = LEFT)
Label(fram, text = "Replace With ").pack(side = LEFT)
edit2 = Entry(fram)
edit2.pack(side = LEFT, fill = BOTH, expand = 1)
replace = Button(fram, text = 'FindNReplace')
replace.pack(side = LEFT)
fram.pack(side = TOP)
# text box in root window
text = Text(root)
# text input area at index 1 in text window
text.insert('1.0', '''Type your text here''')
text.pack(side = BOTTOM)
# function to search string in text
def find():
    # remove tag 'found' from index 1 to END
    text.tag_remove('found', '1.0', END)
    # returns to widget currently in focus
    s = edit.get()
    if (s):
        idx = '1.0'
        while 1:
            # searches for desired string from index 1
            idx =, idx, nocase = 1,
                            stopindex = END)
            if not idx: break
            # last index sum of current index and
            # length of text
            lastidx = '% s+% dc' % (idx, len(s))
            # overwrite 'Found' at idx
            text.tag_add('found', idx, lastidx)
            idx = lastidx
        # mark located string as red
        text.tag_config('found', foreground ='red')
def findNreplace():
    # remove tag 'found' from index 1 to END
    text.tag_remove('found', '1.0', END)
    # returns to widget currently in focus
    s = edit.get()
    r = edit2.get()
    if (s and r):
        idx = '1.0'
        while 1:
            # searches for desired string from index 1
            idx =, idx, nocase = 1,
                            stopindex = END)
            if not idx: break
            # last index sum of current index and
            # length of text
            lastidx = '% s+% dc' % (idx, len(s))
            text.delete(idx, lastidx)
            text.insert(idx, r)
            lastidx = '% s+% dc' % (idx, len(r))
            # overwrite 'Found' at idx
            text.tag_add('found', idx, lastidx)
            idx = lastidx
        # mark located string as red
        text.tag_config('found', foreground ='green', background = 'yellow')
Find.config(command = find)
replace.config(command = findNreplace)
# mainloop function calls the endless
# loop of the window, so the window will
# wait for any user interaction till we
# close it



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