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Python Tkinter – Canvas Widget

Tkinter is a GUI toolkit used in python to make user-friendly GUIs.Tkinter is the most commonly used and the most basic GUI framework available in python. Tkinter uses an object-oriented approach to make GUIs.
Note: For more information, refer to Python GUI – tkinter

Canvas widget

The Canvas widget lets us display various graphics on the application. It can be used to draw simple shapes to complicated graphs. We can also display various kinds of custom widgets according to our needs.


C = Canvas(root, height, width, bd, bg, ..)

Optional parameters: 

Some common drawing methods:

 oval = C.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1, options)
 arc = C.create_arc(20, 50, 190, 240, start=0, extent=110, fill="red")
 line = C.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, ..., xn, yn, options)
 oval = C.create_polygon(x0, y0, x1, y1, ...xn, yn, options)

Example 1: Simple Shapes Drawing 

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
C = Canvas(root, bg="yellow",
           height=250, width=300)
line = C.create_line(108, 120,
                     320, 40,
arc = C.create_arc(180, 150, 80,
                   210, start=0,
oval = C.create_oval(80, 30, 140,


Example 2: Simple Paint App 

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# Create Title
root.title(  "Paint App ")
# specify size
# define function when 
# mouse double click is enabled
def paint( event ):
    # Co-ordinates.
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = ( event.x - 3 ),( event.y - 3 ), ( event.x + 3 ),( event.y + 3 )
    # Colour
    Colour = "#000fff000"
    # specify type of display
    w.create_line( x1, y1, x2,
                  y2, fill = Colour )
# create canvas widget.
w = Canvas(root, width = 400, height = 250)
# call function when double
# click is enabled.
w.bind( "<B1-Motion>", paint )
# create label.
l = Label( root, text = "Double Click and Drag to draw." )


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