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C++ Program to Handle the Unchecked Exceptions

Exceptions are run-time errors or abnormal conditions that a program may encounter during execution.


Types of Exceptions:

The exception handling in  C++ is designed to handle only synchronous exceptions in a program. The goal of exception handling is to create a routine that checks and sends an exceptional condition in order to execute suitable code. The procedure needs to carry out the following responsibilities:

The keywords try, throw, and catch. The keyword try is used to preface a block of code which may result in exceptions.

Syntax of try statement:


When an exception is found, it is thrown using a throw statement in the try block.

Syntax of the throw statement

throw excep;
throw;// re-throwing of an exception

A catch block is defined by the keyword ‘catch‘ the exception and handles it accordingly. The catch block that catches an exception must immediately follow the try block of the exception.

Syntax of catch statement:

catch (argument)
  statement3;// action to be taken

When an exception is found, the execution of the catch block starts. The catch statement may or may not contains an argument of exception type, it is optional. When an argument is declared in the catch, the argument can be used in the catch block. After the execution of the catch block, the lines inside the blocks are executed. In case no exception is found, the catch block is ignored and if a mismatch is found, the program is finished.


C++  Program to illustrate Division by Zero Exception

// C++ program to illustrate 
// division by zero exception
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int Gfg1 = 9, Gfg2 = 0;
    // try block starts here
    try {
        if (Gfg2 != 0)
            cout << Gfg1 / Gfg2;
            throw Gfg2; // throwing if Gfg2 is zero
    // catch block starts here
    catch (int i) {
        /// if b is zero means division is done 0 hence
        // thrown from try block and catch
        cout << "Division by zero: " << i << endl;
    return 0;


Division by zero: 0

C++ Program to illustrate Array Index Out of Bounds Exception

// C++ program to demonstrate 
// array index out of bounds
// exception
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // initialize an array of 
    // size 5 with numbers from 1 to
    // 5
    int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, i;
    // try block starts here
    try {
        i = 0; // initialize i with 0
               // loop for printing value of array till its
               // size 5
        while (1) {
            if (i != 5) {
                cout << a[i] << endl;
            // if i go beyond 5 then throw exception
                throw i;
    // catch the exception
    catch (int i) {
        cout << "Array Index out of Bounds Exception: " << i
             << endl;
    return 0;


Array Index out of Bounds Exception: 5

C++ Program to Throw Multiple Exceptions and Define Multiple Catch Statements

// C++ program to throw multiple
// exceptions and define
// multiple catch statement
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// function to check if number is
// positive, negative or zero
void num(int k)
    try {
        if (k == 0)
            throw k; // throwing int value
        else if (k > 0)
            throw 'P'; // throwing char value
        else if (k < 0)
            throw 1.0; // throwing double value
        cout << "*** end of try block ***\n";
    // catching char value
    catch (char g) {
        cout << "Caught a positive value \n";
    // catching integer value
    catch (int j) {
        cout << "caught an null value \n";
    // catching double value
    catch (double f) {
        cout << "Caught a Negative value \n";
    cout << "*** end of try catch ***\n \n";
int main()
    cout << "Demo of Multiple catches" << endl;
    num(0); // function call for zero
    num(5); // function call for positive
    num(-1); // function call for negative
    return 0;


Demo of Multiple catches
caught an null value 
*** end of try catch ***
Caught a positive value 
*** end of try catch ***
Caught a Negative value 
*** end of try catch ***

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