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Corizo Interview Eperienc for Business Development

Corizo is on campus drive and came to our college to hire for a business development role. There are mainly 3 rounds of interviews.

First round: This is the written round that contains only aptitudes like number series, age-related questions, the meaning of the words, opposite words, and other questions. There are tota of 30 questions in 30 minutes easily solve most of the questions if they are good at aptitude.

Second round: This round is a group discussion round. Normally sometimes the interviewer only gives the topic or else they will ask us to choose whichever we want .they do this round to test our communication skills. One should go through the treading topics and general topics like how technology use full in modern days and the advantages and disadvantages. My advice is to speak first such that you will get an opportunity to say any points that you need to speak about else speak at the end by summarizing your friend’s point.

Third round: This is round the HR interview where they will ask normal questions like introduction, why do want to go for a business development role because you studying engineering. I explained my willingness to work and I like to interact with the new people. The next question is how do you sell ripped apples? I answered this question in my own way like identifying a suitable marketplace and by giving some discounts. After that, the interviewer asked questions I asked how is their experience in the company and how many years they are working there in the company and also about my role and responsibilities if I get hired.

At the end of the day, they sent the list of students who got selected and I also selected from our college.

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