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Command Line Interface Programming in Python

This article discusses how you can create a CLI for your python programs using an example in which we make a basic “text file manager”. 
Let us discuss some basics first. 

What is a Command Line Interface(CLI)?

A command-line interface or command language interpreter (CLI), also known as command-line user interface, console user interface, and character user interface (CUI), is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user (or client) issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines).(Wiki)
Advantages of CLI: 


Why to use CLI in your python program?


Now, let us start making our “Text file manager”. Here, we will be using a built-in python library called Argparse.
About Argparse: 

Ok let’s start with a really basic program to get a feel of what argparse does.

# importing required modules
import argparse
# create a parser object
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "An addition program")
# add argument
parser.add_argument("add", nargs = '*', metavar = "num", type = int,
                     help = "All the numbers separated by spaces will be added.")
# parse the arguments from standard input
args = parser.parse_args()
# check if add argument has any input data.
# If it has, then print sum of the given numbers
if len(args.add) != 0:

Let us go through some important points related to above program: 

So, this was a basic example so that you can get comfortable with argparse and CLI concept. Now, let us move on to our “Text file manager” program.

# importing the required modules
import os
import argparse
# error messages
INVALID_FILETYPE_MSG = "Error: Invalid file format. %s must be a .txt file."
INVALID_PATH_MSG = "Error: Invalid file path/name. Path %s does not exist."
def validate_file(file_name):
    validate file name and path.
    if not valid_path(file_name):
    else if not valid_filetype(file_name):
def valid_filetype(file_name):
    # validate file type
    return file_name.endswith('.txt')
def valid_path(path):
    # validate file path
    return os.path.exists(path)
def read(args):
    # get the file name/path
    file_name =[0]
    # validate the file name/path
    # read and print the file content
    with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
def show(args):
    # get path to directory
    dir_path =[0]
    # validate path
    if not valid_path(dir_path):
        print("Error: No such directory found.")
    # get text files in directory
    files = [f for f in os.listdir(dir_path) if valid_filetype(f)]
    print("{} text files found.".format(len(files)))
    print('\n'.join(f for f in files))
def delete(args):
    # get the file name/path
    file_name = args.delete[0]
    # validate the file name/path
    # delete the file
    print("Successfully deleted {}.".format(file_name))
def copy(args):
    # file to be copied
    file1 = args.copy[0]
    # file to copy upon
    file2 = args.copy[1]
    # validate the file to be copied
    # validate the type of file 2
    if not valid_filetype(file2):
    # copy file1 to file2
    with open(file1, 'r') as f1:
        with open(file2, 'w') as f2:
    print("Successfully copied {} to {}.".format(file1, file2))
def rename(args):
    # old file name
    old_filename = args.rename[0]
    # new file name
    new_filename = args.rename[1]
    # validate the file to be renamed
    # validate the type of new file name
    if not valid_filetype(new_filename):
    # renaming
    os.rename(old_filename, new_filename)
    print("Successfully renamed {} to {}.".format(old_filename, new_filename))
def main():
    # create parser object
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "A text file manager!")
    # defining arguments for parser object
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--read", type = str, nargs = 1,
                        metavar = "file_name", default = None,
                        help = "Opens and reads the specified text file.")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--show", type = str, nargs = 1,
                        metavar = "path", default = None,
                        help = "Shows all the text files on specified directory path.\
                        Type '.' for current directory.")
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--delete", type = str, nargs = 1,
                        metavar = "file_name", default = None,
                        help = "Deletes the specified text file.")
    parser.add_argument("-c", "--copy", type = str, nargs = 2,
                        metavar = ('file1','file2'), help = "Copy file1 contents to \
                        file2 Warning: file2 will get overwritten.")
    parser.add_argument("--rename", type = str, nargs = 2,
                        metavar = ('old_name','new_name'),
                        help = "Renames the specified file to a new name.")
    # parse the arguments from standard input
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # calling functions depending on type of argument
    if != None:
    elif != None:
    elif args.delete !=None:
    elif args.copy != None:
    elif args.rename != None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # calling the main function

After the previous example, the above code seems self explanatory. 
All we did was to add a set of arguments for our file manager program. Note that all these arguments are optional arguments. So, we use some if-elif statements to match the command line input with correct argument type function so that query could be processed. 
Here are a few screenshots which describe the usage of above program: 

So, this was an example of a simple CLI python program which we made. Many complex CLIs could be easily created by the Argparse module. I hope that these examples will give you a head start in this area.


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