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Cloudera Interview Experience (On Campus)

Cloudera recently visited my college offering an FTE plus a 6-month internship. The criteria for the registration were CGPA 7.5 and above and the Job Profile was Software Engineer. There were 4 Rounds. The first round was the Online Coding Round followed by 2 Technical Virtual Interviews and one Virtual HM Round.

Round 1: Online Test

There were 3 coding questions and 1 question on DBMS.

A total of 30 people were shortlisted for the interviews.

Round 2: Technical Interview 1

Time: 1 hour

I was given a code pair link and was asked to code 2 problems.

After this, a few basic questions on data structures were asked.

Round 3: Technical Interview 2

Time: 45mins

I was given a code pair link again and asked to code 1 problem. The interviewer also mentioned that the faster I’m able to solve this problem, the more points I would get.

I was able to give him the approach to solve this problem within 5-10mins and the interviewer was really impressed with it and then I had to code the whole thing and dry run the code and covered all the edge cases as well.

Round 4: HM Round

Time: 30 mins

This was supposed to be an HM round but I was asked in-depth technical questions about computer networks and microservices.

The interviewer asked me to introduce myself and give a brief explanation of everything that I had stated in my resume. After I explained 3 of my projects to her, she was very interested in the project that I had worked on during my summer internship and all the questions that I got were based on this in combination with computer networks.

Only 3 students were finally selected and I was one of them

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