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Cisco Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Round 1

CGPA cutoff is 7.0 and no backlogs, from my campus around 400+ students applied it is open for CSE and ECE streams. Eligible students had a test on HackerRank(60 mins). The test consists of 25 MCQ (no negative marking) and 1 coding question.


Round 2 (Technical Round – 45 mins)

Round 3( Managerial Round – 35 mins)

HR( Final Round -15 mins)

Verdict: Selected

Tips: Be confident, don’t bluff, If the question asked is new to you just think for 30 sec before answering and the most important deciding factor is COMMUNICATION SKILLS there are some students who are technically sound but got rejected because of lack of communication skills.

All the Best!!!

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