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Change figure size in Pandas – Python

Prerequisites: Pandas

The size of a plot can be modified by passing required dimensions as a tuple to the figsize parameter of the plot() method. it is used to determine the size of a figure object.


figsize=(width, height)

Where dimensions should be given in inches.


Example 1

import pandas as pd  # import the pandas module
# python list of numbers
data1 = [10, 20, 50, 30, 15]
# convert the list to a pandas series
s1 = pd.Series(data1)  
# creates a figure of size 20 inches wide and 10 inches high
s1.plot(figsize=(20, 10))


Example 2

# import the pandas module
import pandas as pd  
# Creating a pandas dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'names': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], 'val': [10, 45, 30, 20]})
# creates a bar graph of size 15 inches wide and 10 inches high'names', y='val', rot=0, figsize=(15, 10))

Output :

Example 3

# import the pandas module
import pandas as pd
# Creating a pandas dataframe with index
df = pd.DataFrame({'value': [3.330, 4.87, 5.97]},
                  index=['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'])
df.plot.pie(y='value', figsize=(5, 5))

Output :

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