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C Program to Show a Man Walking in Rain

In Turbo C graphics the graphics.h functions are used to draw different shapes(like a circle, rectangle, etc), and display text(any message) in different formats (different fonts and colors). By using graphics.h programs, animations, and also games can be designed. These can be useful for beginners.

This program demonstrates how a man walks in the rain with an umbrella, and when a key is pressed, the rain ceases, and a rainbow appears in the sky. 

Header Files:

The header files stdio.h, conio.h, and graphics.h are included because functions defined in these files are used in the program. The #define command is used to define some important elements used throughout the program.

Functions Used:

Custom Functions:


In this program, we will create scenery with a hut, sun, and rainfall. In this scenery, a man holds an umbrella and walks through the ground. When a key is pressed, the rain stops, and a rainbow appears.  

Below is the C program to implement the above approach:

// C program to implement
// the above approach
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define ScreenWidth getmaxx()
#define ScreenHeight getmaxy()
#define GroundY ScreenHeight * 0.75
int ldisp = 0;
// Creating a hut
void hut()
    rectangle(150, 180, 250, 300);
    rectangle(250, 180, 420, 300);
    rectangle(180, 250, 220, 300);
    line(200, 100, 150, 180);
    line(200, 100, 250, 180);
    line(200, 100, 370, 100);
    line(370, 100, 420, 180);
    setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BROWN);
    floodfill(152, 182, WHITE);
    floodfill(252, 182, WHITE);
    setfillstyle(SLASH_FILL, BLUE);
    floodfill(182, 252, WHITE);
    setfillstyle(HATCH_FILL, GREEN);
    floodfill(200, 105, WHITE);
    floodfill(210, 105, WHITE);
// Drawing a Man with 
// an umbrella
void DrawManAndUmbrella(int x, 
                        int ldisp)
    circle(x, GroundY - 90, 10);
    line(x, GroundY - 80, x, 
         GroundY - 30);
    line(x, GroundY - 70, 
         x + 10, GroundY - 60);
    line(x, GroundY - 65, x + 10, 
         GroundY - 55);
    line(x + 10, GroundY - 60, 
         x + 20, GroundY - 70);
    line(x + 10, GroundY - 55,
         x + 20, GroundY - 70);
    line(x, GroundY - 30, 
         x + ldisp, GroundY);
    line(x, GroundY - 30, 
         x - ldisp, GroundY);
    pieslice(x + 20, GroundY - 120, 
             0, 180, 40);
    line(x + 20, GroundY - 120, 
         x + 20, GroundY - 70);
// Creating the Rainfall
void Rain(int x)
    int i, rx, ry;
    for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) 
        rx = rand() % ScreenWidth;
        ry = rand() % ScreenHeight;
        if (ry < GroundY - 4) 
            if (ry < GroundY - 120 || 
               (ry > GroundY - 120 && 
               (rx < x - 20 || 
                rx > x + 60)))
                line(rx, ry, 
                     rx + 0.5, ry + 4);
// Creating the rainbow
void rainbow()
    int x, y, i;
    circle(ScreenWidth - 100, 
           50, 30);
    floodfill(ScreenWidth - 100,
              50, WHITE);
    ldisp = (ldisp + 2) % 20;
    DrawManAndUmbrella(x, ldisp);
    x = getmaxx() / 5;
    y = getmaxy() / 5;
    for (i = 30; i < 100; i++) 
        // for animation
        setcolor(i / 10);
        arc(x, y, 0, 180, i - 10);
// Driver code
void main()
    int gd = DETECT, gm, x = 0;
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, 
    // executes till any key 
    // is pressed
    while (!kbhit()) 
        circle(ScreenWidth - 100, 
               50, 30);
        floodfill(ScreenWidth - 100, 
                  50, WHITE);
        line(0, GroundY, ScreenWidth, 
        ldisp = (ldisp + 2) % 20;
        DrawManAndUmbrella(x, ldisp);
        x = (x + 2) % ScreenWidth;
    // if the key is pressed the 
    // rain stops, rainbow appears
    ldisp = (ldisp + 2) % 20;
    DrawManAndUmbrella(x, ldisp);

Steps to Run this Program:

Step 1: Go to C:\TURBOC3\BIN and move the scenery.c file here.

Moving scenery.c file in C:\TURBOC3\BIN

Step 2: Open Turbo C++.

Step 3: Click on Files and Open Files. You will see the scenery.c file in the list. 

Step 4: Select the file and press open to open scenery.c file in Turbo C++. 

Opening scenery.c file in turbo c++ 

Step 5:  Click on Run to run the graphics program.

Output: Observe a man holding an umbrella walking in the rain with a hut and a sun in the scenery. 

Man walking in the rain in C graphics 

When a key is pressed, the rain stops, and a rainbow appears.

The rainbow appears on the keypress

Working Output 

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