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C++ program to convert/normalize the given time into standard form

Given three variables that represent the hours, minutes, and the second, the task is to write a C++ program to normalize/convert the given time into standard form i.e., HR: MIN: SEC format.


Input: HR = 5, MIN = 125, SEC = 130
Output: 7:7:10

Approach: To normalize the given time, below are the functions/steps using the class:

int HR, MIN, SEC;
where HR represents hours,
      MIN represents minutes and
      SEC represents seconds
void setTime(int x, int y, int z)
    x = HR;
    y = MIN;
    z = SEC;
void showTime()
    cout << HR << ":" << MIN << ":" << SEC;
void normalize()
    MIN = MIN + SEC/60;
    SEC = SEC%60;
    HR  = HR + MIN/60;
    MIN = MIN%60;

 Illustration: For Example Time: 5: 125: 130

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program to normalize the given
// time into standard form
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Time class
class Time {
    // Instance variables
    int HR, MIN, SEC;
    void setTime(int, int, int);
    void showTime();
    void normalize();
// Function that sets the given time
void Time::setTime(int h, int m, int s)
    HR = h;
    MIN = m;
    SEC = s;
// Function to show the given time
void Time::showTime()
    cout << endl
         << HR << ":"
         << MIN << ":" << SEC;
// Function to normalize the given
// time into standard form
void Time::normalize()
    // Convert the time into the
    // specific format
    MIN = MIN + SEC / 60;
    SEC = SEC % 60;
    HR = HR + MIN / 60;
    MIN = MIN % 60;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Object of class Time
    Time t1;
    t1.setTime(5, 125, 130);
    // Normalize the time
    return 0;


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