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Bulma Button Styles

Bulma Button style class is used to set the style of the button. There are four pre-defined button styles in Bulma: Outlined, Inverted, Outlined Inverted, and Rounded. You can set the button style with the help of three CSS classes provided by Bulma.

Bulma Button Styles Classes:


<button class="button is-outlined">

Note: The is-outlined and is-inverted classes can be used together to make Outlined Inverted Buttons.

Example: The example below shows the use of Bulma button-style classes.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Bulma Button Styles</title>
    <link rel='stylesheet' 
<body class="has-text-centered">
    <h1 class="is-size-2 has-text-success">
    <b>Bulma Button Styles</b>
    <div class="container">
        <div class="buttons is-centered">
            <button class="button is-primary is-outlined">
                Button 1
            <button class="button is-info is-inverted">
                Button 2
            <button class="button is-danger is-rounded">
                Button 3



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