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BreakIterator current() method in Java with Examples

The current() method of java.text.BreakIterator class is used to get the index of recent text boundary in the line of words. It provides the offset of the text which is currently pointed by the BreakIterator.


public abstract int current()

Parameter: This method does not accept any parameter.

Return Value: This method provides the index of recent text boundary.

Below are the examples to illustrate the current() method:

Example 1:

// Java program to demonstrate current() method
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] argv)
        // creating and initializing integer with zero
        int current = 0, last = 0;
        // creating and initializing BreakIterator
        BreakIterator wb
            = BreakIterator.getWordInstance();
        // setting text for BreakIterator
        wb.setText("Code  Geeks");
        // getting the current text boundary
        current = wb.current();
        // display the result
            "current position "
            + "before calling next(): "
            + current);
        // calling next method
        last =;
        // getting the current text boundary
        current = wb.current();
        // display the result
            "\ncurrent position after"
            + " calling 1st next(): "
            + current);
        // calling next method
        last =;
        // getting the current text boundary
        current = wb.current();
        // display the result
            "\ncurrent position after"
            + " calling 2nd next(): "
            + current);

current position before calling next(): 0

current position after calling 1st next(): 4

current position after calling 2nd next(): 6

Example 2:

// Java program to demonstrate current() method
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] argv)
        // creating and initializing integer with zero
        int current = 0, last = 0;
        // creating and initializing BreakIterator
        BreakIterator wb
            = BreakIterator.getWordInstance();
        // setting text for BreakIterator
        // getting the current text boundary
        current = wb.current();
        // display the result
            "current position "
            + "before calling next(): "
            + current);
        // calling next method
        last =;
        // getting the current text boundary
        current = wb.current();
        // display the result
            "\ncurrent position after"
            + " calling 1st next(): "
            + current);
        // calling next method
        last =;
        // getting the current text boundary
        current = wb.current();
        // display the result
            "\ncurrent position after"
            + " calling 2nd next(): "
            + current);

current position before calling next(): 0

current position after calling 1st next(): 13

current position after calling 2nd next(): 13


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