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Branching strategies In Git

Branches are independent lines of work, stemming from the original codebase. Developers create separate branches for independently working on features so that changes from other developers don’t interfere with an individual’s line of work. Developers can easily pull changes from different branches and also merge their code with the main branch. This allows easier collaboration for developers working on one codebase.

Git branching strategies are essential for efficient code management and collaboration within development teams. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various Git branching strategies, their benefits, implementation steps, and best practices.

Key Terminologies

What Is A Branching Strategy?

A branching strategy is a strategy that software development teams adopt for writing, merging and deploying code with the help of a version control system like Git. It lays down a set of rules that aid the developers on how to go about the development process and interact with a shared codebase. Strategies like these are essential as they help in keeping project repositories organized, error free and avoid the dreaded merge conflicts when multiple developers simultaneously push and pull code from the same repository.

Encountering merge conflicts can impede the swift delivery of code, thereby obstructing the establishment and upkeep of an efficient DevOps workflow. DevOps aims to facilitate a rapid process for releasing incremental code changes. Therefore, implementing a structured branching strategy can alleviate this challenge, enabling developers to collaborate seamlessly and minimize conflicts. This approach fosters parallel workstreams within teams, promoting quicker releases and reduced likelihood of conflicts through a well-defined process for source control modifications.

The Branching strategies provides following features:

Step By Step Implementation Of Creating A Branch

The following are the steps for creating a branch:

Step 1: Create Branch

git branch new-feature

Step 2: Navigate to Branch

git checkout new-feature

( or )

Step 3: Creating And Navigating Branch At A Time

git checkout -b new-feature

Step 4: Check Current Branch

git branch

Step 5: Delete a Branch

Ensure you are present on the branch you want to delete.

git branch -d <branch-to-delete>

Common Git Branching Strategies

The following are the common git branching strategies:

Gitflow Workflow

GitFlow enables parallel development, where developers can work separately on feature branches, where a feature branch is created from a master branch. After completion of changes, the feature branch is merged with the master branch.

The types of branches that can be present in GitFlow are:

The Master and Develop branches are the main branches, and persist throughout the journey of the software. The other branches are essentially supporting branches and are short-lived.

Pros Of Gitflow

Cons Of Gitflow

GitHub Flow

GitHub flow is a simpler alternative to GitFlow, idea for smaller teams. GitHub flow only has feature branches that stem directly from the master branch and are merged back to master after completing changes. They don’t have release branches. The fundamental concept of this model revolves around maintaining the master code in a consistently deployable condition, thereby enabling the seamless implementation of faster release cycles, continuous integration and continuous delivery workflows.

The types of branches that can be present in GitFlow are:

Pros Of Github Flow

Cons Of Github Flow

GitLab Flow

GitLab flow is also an alternative to GitFlow, designed to be more robust and scalable than GitHub Flow. Designed for teams using GitLab, a web-based Git repository manager, this approach streamlines development by concentrating on a solitary, protected branch, usually the master branch. Continuous integration and automated testing form the core elements of GitLab Flow, guaranteeing the stability of the master branch.

The types of branches that can be present in GitFlow are:

Pros Of Github Flow

Cons Of Github Flow

Trunk Based Development

It is a branching strategy where developers work on a single “trunk” branch, mostly the master branch and use feature flags to isolate features until they are ready for release. This main branch should be ready for release any time. No additional branches are created. The main idea behind this strategy is to make smaller changes more frequently to avoid merge conflicts and the goal is to limit long-lasting branches. This strategy enables continuous integration and delivery, making it an attractive choice for teams aiming to release updates swiftly and frequently. It is particularly well-suited for smaller projects or teams seeking a streamlined workflow.

Pros Of Trunk Based Development

Cons Of Trunk Based Development

Picking The Right Branching Strategy

Git offers a wide range of branching strategies, each suited to different project requirements and team dynamics. For beginners, starting with simpler approaches like GitHub Flow or Trunk-based development is recommended, gradually advancing to more complex strategies as needed. Feature flagging can also help reduce the necessity for excessive branching. GitFlow is beneficial for projects requiring strict access control, particularly in open-source environments. However, it may not align well with DevOps practices. Therefore, teams seeking an Agile DevOps workflow with strong support for continuous integration and delivery may find GitHub Flow or Trunk-based development more suitable. Ultimately, the choice of branching strategy depends on the specific needs and goals of the project and team.

Product Type

Team Size

Applicable Strategy

Continuous Deployment and Release


GitHub Flow and TBD

Scheduled and Periodic Version Release


GitFlow and GitLab Flow

Continuous deployment for quality-focused products


GitLab Flow

Products with long maintenance cycles



Branching Strategies – FAQ’s

Can I Use Multiple Git Branching Strategies In The Same Project?

While it’s possible, it’s not recommended as it can lead to confusion. Choose one strategy that best fits your project’s needs.

What Should I Do If My Feature Branch Conflicts With The Main Branch?

Resolve the conflicts locally by merging or rebasing your branch with the main branch.

How Often Should I Merge Changes Into The Main Branch?

It depends on your project’s workflow, but regular merges (e.g., daily or weekly) help maintain code stability.

Can I Delete Feature Branches After Merging Them Into The Main Branch?

Yes, it’s a good practice to clean up feature branches after merging to keep the repository tidy.

How Can I Ensure Code Quality Before Merging Branches?

Use code reviews, automated tests, and CI/CD pipelines to ensure that only high-quality code gets merged.

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