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Agile Software Development – Software Engineering

Agile Software Development is a software development methodology that values flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. It is based on the Agile Manifesto, a set of principles for software development that prioritize individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change.

Agile Software Development is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that emphasizes the importance of delivering a working product quickly and frequently. It involves close collaboration between the development team and the customer to ensure that the product meets their needs and expectations.

Why Agile is Used?

  1. Creating Tangible Value: Agile places a high priority on creating tangible value as soon as possible in a project. Customers can benefit from early delivery of promised advantages and opportunity for prompt feedback and modifications.
  2. Concentrate on Value-Added Work: Agile methodology promotes teams to concentrate on producing functional and value-added product increments, hence reducing the amount of time and energy allocated to non-essential tasks.
  3. Agile as a Mindset: Agile represents a shift in culture that values adaptability, collaboration, and client happiness. It gives team members more authority and promotes a cooperative and upbeat work atmosphere.
  4. Quick Response to Change: Agile fosters a culture that allows teams to respond swiftly to constantly shifting priorities and requirements. This adaptability is particularly useful in sectors of the economy or technology that experience fast changes.
  5. Regular Demonstrations: Agile techniques place a strong emphasis on regular demonstrations of project progress. Stakeholders may clearly see the project’s status, upcoming problems, and upcoming new features due to this transparency.
  6. Cross-Functional Teams: Agile fosters self-organizing, cross-functional teams that share information effectively, communicate more effectively and feel more like a unit.

4 Core Values of Agile Software Development

The Agile Software Development Methodology Manifesto describe four core values of Agile in software development.

4 Values of Agile

  1. Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools
  2. Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation
  3. Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation
  4. Responding to Change over Following a Plan

12 Principles of Agile Software Development

The Agile Manifesto is based on four values and twelve principles that form the basis, for methodologies.

12 Principles of Agile Methodology

These principles include:

  1. Ensuring customer satisfaction through the early delivery of software.
  2. Being open to changing requirements in the stages of the development.
  3. Frequently delivering working software with a main focus on preference for timeframes.
  4. Promoting collaboration between business stakeholders and developers as an element.
  5. Structuring the projects around individuals. Providing them with the necessary environment and support.
  6. Prioritizing face to face communication whenever needed.
  7. Considering working software as the measure of the progress.
  8. Fostering development by allowing teams to maintain a pace indefinitely.
  9. Placing attention on excellence and good design practices.
  10. Recognizing the simplicity as crucial factor aiming to maximize productivity by minimizing the work.
  11. Encouraging self organizing teams as the approach to design and build systems.
  12. Regularly reflecting on how to enhance effectiveness and to make adjustments accordingly.

The Agile Software Development Process

Agile Software Development

  1. Requirements Gathering: The customer’s requirements for the software are gathered and prioritized.
  2. Planning: The development team creates a plan for delivering the software, including the features that will be delivered in each iteration.
  3. Development: The development team works to build the software, using frequent and rapid iterations.
  4. Testing: The software is thoroughly tested to ensure that it meets the customer’s requirements and is of high quality.
  5. Deployment: The software is deployed and put into use.
  6. Maintenance: The software is maintained to ensure that it continues to meet the customer’s needs and expectations.

Agile Software Development is widely used by software development teams and is considered to be a flexible and adaptable approach to software development that is well-suited to changing requirements and the fast pace of software development.

Agile is a time-bound, iterative approach to software delivery that builds software incrementally from the start of the project, instead of trying to deliver all at once. 

Agile Software development cycle

Let’s see a brief overview of how development occurs in Agile philosophy.

  1. concept
  2. inception
  3. iteration/construction
  4. release
  5. production
  6. retirement

Agile software development cycle

Design Process of Agile software Development

Example of Agile Software Development

Let’s go through an example to understand clearly how agile works. A Software company named ABC wants to make a new web browser for the latest release of its operating system. The deadline for the task is 10 months. The company’s head assigned two teams named Team A and Team B for this task. To motivate the teams, the company head says that the first team to develop the browser would be given a salary hike and a one-week full-sponsored travel plan. With the dreams of their wild travel fantasies, the two teams set out on the journey of the web browser. Team A decided to play by the book and decided to choose the Waterfall model for the development. Team B after a heavy discussion decided to take a leap of faith and choose Agile as their development model. The Development Plan of the Team A is as follows:

The Development Plan for the Team B is as follows:

The team has put their best efforts into getting the product to a complete stage. But then out of the blue due to the rapidly changing environment, the company’s head came up with an entirely new set of features that wanted to be implemented as quickly as possible and wanted to push out a working model in 2 days. Team A was now in a fix, they were still in their design phase and had not yet started coding and they had no working model to display. Moreover, it was practically impossible for them to implement new features since the waterfall model there is not revert to the old phase once you proceed to the next stage, which means they would have to start from square one again. That would incur heavy costs and a lot of overtime. Team B was ahead of Team A in a lot of aspects, all thanks to Agile Development. They also had a working product with most of the core requirements since the first increment. And it was a piece of cake for them to add the new requirements. All they had to do was schedule these requirements for the next increment and then implement them. 

Advantages Agile Software Development

Disadvantages Agile Software Development

Agile is a framework that defines how software development needs to be carried on. Agile is not a single method, it represents the various collection of methods and practices that follow the value statements provided in the manifesto. Agile methods and practices do not promise to solve every problem present in the software industry (No Software model ever can). But they sure help to establish a culture and environment where solutions emerge.
Agile software development is an iterative and incremental approach to software development. It emphasizes collaboration between the development team and the customer, flexibility, and adaptability in the face of changing requirements, and the delivery of working software in short iterations.
The Agile Manifesto, which outlines the principles of agile development, values individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and response to change.

Practices of Agile Software Development

Advantages of Agile Software Development over traditional software development approaches

  1. Increased customer satisfaction: Agile development involves close collaboration with the customer, which helps to ensure that the software meets their needs and expectations.
  2. Faster time-to-market: Agile development emphasizes the delivery of working software in short iterations, which helps to get the software to market faster.
  3. Reduced risk: Agile development involves frequent testing and feedback, which helps to identify and resolve issues early in the development process.
  4. Improved team collaboration: Agile development emphasizes collaboration and communication between team members, which helps to improve productivity and morale.
  5. Adaptability to change: Agile Development is designed to be flexible and adaptable, which means that changes to the project scope, requirements, and timeline can be accommodated easily. This can help the team to respond quickly to changing business needs and market demands.
  6. Better quality software: Agile Development emphasizes continuous testing and feedback, which helps to identify and resolve issues early in the development process. This can lead to higher-quality software that is more reliable and less prone to errors.
  7. Increased transparency: Agile Development involves frequent communication and collaboration between the team and the customer, which helps to improve transparency and visibility into the project status and progress. This can help to build trust and confidence with the customer and other stakeholders.
  8. Higher productivity: Agile Development emphasizes teamwork and collaboration, which helps to improve productivity and reduce waste. This can lead to faster delivery of working software with fewer defects and rework.
  9. Improved project control: Agile Development emphasizes continuous monitoring and measurement of project metrics, which helps to improve project control and decision-making. This can help the team to stay on track and make data-driven decisions throughout the development process.

In summary, Agile software development is a popular approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and the delivery of working software in short iterations. It has several advantages over traditional software development approaches, including increased customer satisfaction, faster time-to-market, and reduced risk.

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