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Bootstrap 5 Display Notation

Bootstrap 5 provides display notation classes to control the visibility of elements. Classes like d-none hide elements, d-block shows them as block-level elements, d-inline as inline elements, and d-flex as flex containers. These classes can be combined with breakpoints (d-md-block, d-lg-inline, etc.) for responsive visibility control. The standard format for using this display utility class is .d-{breakpoint}-{value} where the breakpoint takes the standard Bootstrap breakpoint values such as the sm, md, lg, xl and xxl. The value attribute takes the different display properties like flex, inline-block, etc. 

Bootstrap 5 Display Notation Used classes:

The values which can be substituted in the value attribute of the format:


<div class="d-{value}">...</div>
<div class="d-{breakpoint}-{value}">...</div>

Example 1: The code below demonstrates how we can add the display notation classes like  work:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <link href=
    <script src=
    <h1 class="text-success ms-3">
    <h3 class="ms-3">Bootstrap 5 Display Notation</h3>
    <div class="container mt-4">
        <div>In this example:
            <p class="d-inline w-50 h-75
                      border border-success border-3
                      p-1 mt-2 bg-light">
                This part has an inline display
            and we can see no matter
            what width and height values it
            has it doesn't change
        <div>In this example:
            <p class="d-inline-block w-75 border
                      border-success border-3
                      p-1 mt-2 bg-light">
                This part has an inline-block display
            </p> and we can see it takes up the width and
            height values while staying an inline element.
        <div>In this example:
            <p class="d-block w-75 border border-success
                      border-3 p-1 mt-2 bg-light">
                This part has an inline-block display
            </p> and we can see it starts
            on a new line with spaces above and below it.
        <p>The below example shows a flex container display:</p>
        <div class="d-flex gap-2 mt-2 text-light">
            <div class="bg-success w-25 border p-1">
                Column 1
            <div class="bg-success w-25 border p-1">
                Column 2
            <div class="bg-success w-25 border p-1">
                Column 3


Example 2: The code below demonstrates how we can add the responsive display notation classes and make them work:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <link href=
    <script src=
    <h1 class="text-success ms-3">
    <h3 class="ms-3">
        Bootstrap 5 Display Notation
    <div class="container mt-4">
        <div>In this example:
            <p class="d-inline-block d-lg-block w-75
                      border border-success border-3
                      p-1 mt-2 bg-light">
                This part has an inline-block display in
                viewport above lg size
            and we can see it starts on a new line
            with spaces above and below it.
        <div>In this example:
            <p class="d-inline d-lg-inline-block w-75
                      border border-success
                      border-3 p-1 mt-2 bg-light">
                This part has an inline-block
                display in viewport above lg size
            and we can see it takes up the width and height
            values while staying an inline element.
        <div>In this example:
            <p class="d-block d-lg-inline w-50 h-75
                      border border-success
                      border-3 p-1 mt-2 bg-light">
                This part has an inline display
                in viewport above lg size
            and we can see no matter what width and height
            values it has it doesn't change
        <p>The below example shows a flex container display</p>
        <div class="d-lg-flex gap-2 mt-2 text-light">
            <div class="bg-success w-25 border p-1">
                Column 1
            <div class="bg-success w-25 border p-1">
                Column 2
            <div class="bg-success w-25 border p-1">
                Column 3



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