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Blockchain – Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)

Blockchain is the underlying technology of the virtual currency BitCoin. The blockchain is a distributed database that stores records of all transactions or digital events that have occurred and are shared among participants. 

The majority of system participants confirm each transaction. It contains every single transaction record. Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency and a blockchain example. Some examples of blockchains are:

  1. Public Blockchain: It is a permissionless public ledger on which anyone may join and transact and it is a non-restrictive version of the ledger, with a copy for each peer. This also implies that anyone who has internet access can connect to the public Blockchain.
  2. Private Blockchain: A blockchain network works in a private setting, such as a confined network, or is managed by a single identity and they are frequently run on a local network within a company or organization rather than being available to anybody who wishes to donate computing power.
  3. Hybrid Blockchain: Companies who want the best of both worlds employ a hybrid blockchain, which incorporates the benefits of both private and public blockchains and it allows businesses to build a private, authorization system alongside a public, permissionless system, letting them choose who has access to specific data and what data is made public.
  4. Consortium Blockchain: A consortium blockchain’s consensus procedures are controlled by predetermined nodes. A validator node is in charge of initiating, collecting, and validating transactions. Member nodes can initiate or receive transactions.

What is ECDSA?

The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm is a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) that uses elliptic curve cryptography keys. It is a very efficient equation that is based on cryptography with public keys. ECDSA is utilized in many security systems, is popular in encrypted messaging apps, and is the foundation of Bitcoin security (with Bitcoin “addresses” serving as public keys).

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithms (ECDSA) have recently received significant attention, particularly from standards developers, as alternatives to existing standard cryptosystems such as integer factorization cryptosystems and discrete logarithm problem cryptosystems. In security applications, crypto-algorithms are always the most significant fundamental tool.

Digital Signature of ECDSA

A digital signature is an electronic equivalent of a handwritten signature that allows a receiver to persuade a third party that the message was indeed sent by the sender. Handwritten signatures are substantially less secure than digital signatures. A digital signature cannot be forged in any way. Another advantage of digital signatures over handwritten signatures is that they apply to the entire message. 

Every part of the digital message is affected by the signature key. On the bottom of a paper document, a handwritten signature is applied. Nothing prohibits the text displayed above the penned signature from being altered while the signature remains unaltered. Digital signatures do not allow for such changes. Today’s digital signature methods can be categorized based on a mathematical issue that provides the foundation for their security:

Domain Parameter of ECDSA

An elliptic curve E defined over a discrete space Fq with characteristic p and a base point G Domain parameters might be distributed by a group of entities or unique to a single user.

Domain parameter generation methods:

One method for generating cryptographically safe domain parameters is as follows:

Domain parameter validation:

Validation of domain parameters ensures that the domain parameters have the necessary arithmetic features. In practice, domain parameter validation is performed for two reasons:

  1. To prevent the intentional insertion of erroneous domain parameters, which may enable some attacks
  2. To detect inadvertent coding or transmission mistakes.

The use of an improper set of domain parameters can render all intended security attributes null and void. A concrete (though implausible) attack that can be conducted if domain parameter validation for a signature scheme is not done was demonstrated. The attack is directed at a key agreement protocol that uses the ElGamal signature technique.

Steps for domain parameter validation:

ECDSA key pair

An ECDSA key pair is linked to a specific set of EC domain settings. The public key is a randomly generated multiple of the base point, whereas the private key is the integer used to generate the multiple points.

Key pair generation:

The key pair of entity A is associated with a certain set of EC domain parameters D = (q, FR, a, b, G, n, h). This relationship can be ensured cryptographically (e.g., with certificates) or contextually (e.g., by using the same domain parameters by all organizations). Prior to key generation, entity A must be confident that the category parameters are correct.
Creation of an ECDSA key pair. Every item A does these things:

  1. Choose an integer d at random or a pseudo-random number within the range [1, n1].
  2. Determine Q = dG.
  3. A’s private key is d, and A’s public key is Q.

Algorithm for explicit validation of an ECDSA public key:

Input for the algorithm:  A public key Q=(xQ, yQ) associated with valid domain parameters (q, FR, a, b, G,n,h).

Output for the algorithm: Acceptance or rejection of the validity of h.

  1. Check that Q does not equal O.
  2. Check that xQ and yQ are properly represented elements of  Fq(i.e., integers in the interval |0, p-1| in case q = p, and bit strings of length A  bits in the case q = 2m).
  3. Check that h lies on the elliptic curve defined by a and b.
  4. Check that nQ = O.
  5. If any check fails, then Q is invalid; otherwise Q is valid

 Proof of Possession of a Private Key:

ECDSA Signature Generation

The steps for creating and verifying signatures with the ECDSA are described in this section. An entity A with domain attributes D=(q, FR, a, b, G, n, h) and associated key pair (d, Q) performs the following actions to sign a message m.

  1. Select a random or pseudo-random integer k, where k ranges from 1 to n c – 1.
  2. Transform x1 to an integer by computing kG = (x1, y1).
  3. Compute r = x1 mod n and if r = 0 then go to step 1.
  4. Compute k – 1 mod n.
  5. Compute s = k – 1(e + dr) mod n. If s is equal to 0 then follow step 1.
  6. The message m bears the signature of A. (r,s).

ECDSA Signature Verification

B receives an authentic copy of A’s domain parameters D = (q, FR, a, b, G, n, h) and related public key Q in order to validate A’s signature (r, s) on m. It is advised that B verifies D and Q as well. Next, B performs the following:

  1. Check if the integers r and s fall inside the range [1, n – 1].
  2. Transform the bit string to a number e and perform SHA – 1(m).
  3. Compute w = s-1 mod n.
  4. Compute u1 = ew mod n and u2 = rw mod n.
  5. Compute X = u1G + u2Q.
  6. If X = O, then reject the signature. If not, compute v = x1 mod n and convert X’s x coordinate x1 to an integer.
  7. Accept the signature if and only if v = r.

Security Consideration

In August 2013, it was discovered that errors in some Java class Secure Random implementations occasionally caused collisions in the k value. The same exploit that was used to expose the PS3 signing key on certain Android app implementations, which use Java and depend on ECDSA to authenticate transactions, allowed hackers to retrieve private keys giving them the same authority over bitcoin transactions as legitimate key owners.

Brown has shown that ECDSA itself is secure under the assumption that an underlying group is a generic group and that the hash function employed is collision-resistant. The following categories can be used to group potential ECDSA attacks:

  1. The Attack on the Discrete Logarithm Problem for Elliptic Curves.
  2. Attacks on the hashing algorithm used.
  3. Other types of attacks. 

The Attack on the Discrete Logarithm Problem for Elliptic Curves:

Attacks on the hashing algorithm:

Other types of Attacks:

Implementation of ECDSA

Prerequisite: Basics of python programming language, basics of cryptography techniques, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

Below is the python program to implement ECDSA:

# Python program to implement
p = pow(2, 255) - 19
base = 15112221349535400772501151409588531511454012693041857206046113283949847762202, 46316835694926478169428394003475163141307993866256225615783033603165251855960
# Function for finding positive modulus
# of the number
def findPositiveModulus(a, p):
    if a < 0:
        a = (a + p * int(abs(a)/p) + p) % p
    return a
# Function for typecasting from
# string to int
def textToInt(text):
    encoded_text = text.encode('utf-8')
    hex_text = encoded_text.hex()
    int_text = int(hex_text, 16)
    return int_text
# Function to find greatest
# common divisor(gcd) of a and b   
def gcd(a, b):
    while a != 0:
        a, b = b % a, a
    return b
# Function to find the modular inverse
# of a mod m
def findModInverse(a, m):
    if a < 0:
        a = (a + m * int(abs(a)/m) + m) % m
    # no mod inverse if a & m aren't
    # relatively prime
    if gcd(a, m) != 1:
        return None
    # Calculate using the Extended
    # Euclidean Algorithm:
    u1, u2, u3 = 1, 0, a
    v1, v2, v3 = 0, 1, m
    while v3 != 0:
        # // is the integer division operator
        q = u3 // v3
        v1, v2, v3, u1, u2, u3 = (u1 - q * v1), (u2 - q * v2), (u3 - q * v3), v1, v2, v3
    return u1 % m
def applyDoubleAndAddMethod(P, k, a, d, mod):
    additionPoint = (P[0], P[1])
    # 0b1111111001
    kAsBinary = bin(k)
    # 1111111001
    kAsBinary = kAsBinary[2:len(kAsBinary)]
    # print(kAsBinary)
    for i in range(1, len(kAsBinary)):
        currentBit = kAsBinary[i: i+1]
        # always apply doubling
        additionPoint = pointAddition(additionPoint, additionPoint, a, d, mod)
        if currentBit == '1':
            # add base point
            additionPoint = pointAddition(additionPoint, P, a, d, mod)
    return additionPoint
# Function to calculate the point addition
def pointAddition(P, Q, a, d, mod):
    x1 = P[0]; y1 = P[1]
    x2 = Q[0]; y2 = Q[1]
    x3 = (((x1*y2 + y1*x2) % mod) * findModInverse(1+d*x1*x2*y1*y2, mod)) % mod
    y3 = (((y1*y2 - a*x1*x2) % mod) * findModInverse(1- d*x1*x2*y1*y2, mod)) % mod
    return x3, y3
# ax^2 + y^2  = 1 + dx^2y^2
# ed25519
a = -1; d = findPositiveModulus(-121665 * findModInverse(121666, p), p)
# print("curve: ",a,"x^2 + y^2 = 1 + ",d,"x^2 y^2")
x0 = base[0]; y0 = base[1]
print("Key Generation: ")
# privateKey = 47379675103498394144858916095175689
# 779086087640336534911165206022228115974270 #32 byte secret key
import random
privateKey = random.getrandbits(256) #32 byte secret key
# print("private key: ",privateKey)
publicKey = applyDoubleAndAddMethod(base, privateKey, a, d, p)
print("public key: ", publicKey)
message = textToInt("Hello, world!")
# Function for hashing the message
def hashing(message):
    import hashlib
    return int(hashlib.sha512(str(message).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), 16)
# ---------------------------------------
# sign
r = hashing(hashing(message) + message) % p
R = applyDoubleAndAddMethod(base, r, a, d, p)
h = hashing(R[0] + publicKey[0] + message) % p
# % p
s = (r + h * privateKey)
print("message: ",message)
print("Signature (R, s)")
print("R: ",R)
print("s: ",s)
# -----------------------------------
# verify
h = hashing(R[0] + publicKey[0] + message) % p
P1 = applyDoubleAndAddMethod(base, s, a, d, p)
P2 = pointAddition(R, applyDoubleAndAddMethod(publicKey, h, a, d, p), a, d, p)
print("P1: ",P1)
print("P2: ",P2)
if P1[0] == P2[0] and P1[1] == P2[1]:
    print("The Signature is valid")
    print("The Signature violation detected!")
# ----------------------------------

...blic key:  (26918120103361800085773610577277667031376341423486858590551694398978343506914, 41571789812029741664733875508966147477834661168851922521484251069546513750379)
message:  5735816763073854953388147237921
Signature (R, s)
R:  (17398582206386920242697161388728121547970811789911961114394435433884805588241, 4477075765930951269674344356261240319783403544001405833534737085436262538822)
s:  3291674092131697202311675745525475365064968319467374939508492134906839565421454360595692773627854237066150136741348888228613399059665246158159645036462397
P1:  (54210443699657255006307559839080041946816741974102144613555250053180514162101, 46284667157447087756123147436551451079394750818076298715356522162516164752308)
P2:  (54210443699657255006307559839080041946816741974102144613555250053180514162101, 46284667157447087756123147436551451079394750818076298715356522162516164752308)
The Signature is valid


Benefits of ECDSA

Limitations of ECDSA

Applications of ECDSA


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