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Bitwise Algorithms

Bitwise algorithms in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) involve manipulating individual bits of binary representations of numbers to perform operations efficiently. These algorithms utilize bitwise operators like AND, OR, XOR, shift operators, etc., to solve problems related to tasks such as setting, clearing, or toggling specific bits, checking if a number is even or odd, swapping values without using a temporary variable, and more. Bitwise algorithms are crucial in optimizing code for speed and memory usage in various programming scenarios.

What are Bitwise Algorithms?

Bitwise algorithms are algorithms that operate on individual bits of data rather than on larger data types like integers or floating-point numbers. These algorithms manipulate bits directly, typically using bitwise operators such as AND, OR, XOR, shift left, shift right, and complement.

Common Bitwise Algorithms and Operations:

Here are some common bitwise algorithms and operations:

Applications of Bitwise Algorithms:

Basics of Bitwise Algorithms:

Bit Manipulation Tips and Tricks

Easy Problems on Bit Algorithms:

Medium Problems on Bit Algorithms:

Hard Problems on Bit Algorithms:

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