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BigInteger testBit() Method in Java

prerequisite : BigInteger Basics
The java.math.BigInteger.testBit(index) method returns true if and only if the designated bit is set. This method Computes (this & (1<<n)) != 0).


public boolean testBit(int n)

Parameter: The method takes one parameter n of integer type which refers to the index of the bit that needs to be tested.

Return Value: The method returns true if and only if the designated bit is set else it will return false.

Exception: The method will throw an ArithmeticException when n is negative.

Input: BigInteger = 2300, n = 4
Output: true
Binary Representation of 2300 = 100011111100
bit at index 4 is 1 so set it means bit is set
so method will return true

Input: BigInteger = 5482549 , n = 1
Output: false

Below program illustrates the testBit() method of BigInteger.

// Program to demonstrate the testBit()
// method of BigInteger
import java.math.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a BigInteger object
        BigInteger biginteger = new BigInteger("2300");
        // Creating an int i for index
        int i = 3;
        boolean flag = biginteger.testBit(i);
        String result = "The bit at index " + i + " of "
        biginteger + " is set = " + flag;
        // Displaying the result

The bit at index 3 of 2300 is set = true


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