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BigInteger getLowestSetBit() Method in Java

prerequisite : BigInteger Basics

The java.math.BigInteger.getLowestSetBit() method returns the index of the rightmost (lowest-order) set bit of this BigInteger. It means this method returns the number of zero or unset bits to the right of the rightmost set bit. If the BigInteger contains no set bit then this method will return -1. The method computes (thisBigInteger==0? -1 : log2(thisBigInteger & -thisBigInteger)).


public int getLowestSetBit()

Parameters: The method does not accept any parameters.

Return Value: The method returns the index of the rightmost set bit in this BigInteger.


Input: value = 2300 
Output: 2
Binary Representation of 2300 = 100011111100
The lowest set bit index is 2

Input: value = 35000 
Output: 3

Below program illustrate the getLowestSetBit() method of BigInteger:

// Program to illustrate the getLowestSetBit()
// method of BigInteger 
import java.math.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create BigInteger object
        BigInteger biginteger = new BigInteger("2300");
        // Call getLowestSetBit() method on bigInteger
        // Store the return value as Integer lowestsetbit
        int lowestSetbit = biginteger.getLowestSetBit();
        String lsb = "After applying getLowestSetBit on " + biginteger +
                       " we get index of lowest set bit = " + lowestSetbit;
        // Printing result

After applying getLowestSetBit on 2300 we get index of lowest set bit = 2


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