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ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a standard character encoding used in telecommunication. The ASCII pronounced ‘ask-ee’, is strictly a seven-bit code based on the English alphabet. ASCII codes are used to represent alphanumeric data. The code was first published as a standard in 1967. it was subsequently updated and published as ANSI X3.4-1968, then as ANSI X3.4-1977, and finally as ANSI X3.4-1986. Since it is a seven-bit code, it can at the most represent 128 characters. it currently defines 95 printable characters including 26 upper case letters (A to Z), 26 lower case letters, 10 numerals (0 to 9), and 33 special characters including mathematical symbols, punctuation marks and space characters. They represent text in, telecommunications equipment, and devices. These include numbers, upper and lowercase English letters, functions, punctuation symbols, and some other symbols. In total, there are 256 ASCII characters, and can be broadly divided into three categories: 

  1. ASCII control characters (0-31 and 127)
  2. ASCII printable characters (32-126) (most commonly referred to)
  3. Extended ASCII characters (128-255)

Below are the ASCII values of printable characters (33, 126):,

Character Character Name ASCII code
! Exclamation point 33
Double quotation 34
# Number sign 35
$ Dollar sign 36
% Percent sign 37
& ampersand 38
apostrophe 39
( Left parenthesis 40
) Right parenthesis 41
* asterisk 42
+ Plus sign 43
, comma 44
hyphen 45
. period 46
/ slash 47
0 zero 48
1 one 49
2 two 50
3 three 51
4 four 52
5 five 53
6 six 54
7 seven 55
8 eight 56
9 nine 57
: colon 58
; semi-colon 59
< Less-than sign 60
= Equals sign 61
> Greater-than sign 62
? Question mark 63
@ At sign 64
Character Character Name ASCII code
A Uppercase a 65
B Uppercase b 66
C Uppercase c 67
D Uppercase d 68
E Uppercase e 69
F Uppercase f 70
G Uppercase g 71
H Uppercase h 72
I Uppercase i 73
J Uppercase j 74
K Uppercase k 75
L Uppercase l 76
M Uppercase m 77
N Uppercase n 78
O Uppercase o 79
P Uppercase p 80
Q Uppercase q 81
R Uppercase r 82
S uppercases 83
T Uppercase t 84
U Uppercase u 85
V Uppercase v 86
W Uppercase w 87
X Uppercase x 88
Y Uppercase y 89
Z Uppercase z 90
[ Left square bracket 91
\ backslash 92
] Right square bracket 93
^ caret 94
_ underscore 95
` Grave accent 96
Character Character Name ASCII code
a Lowercase a 97
b Lowercase b 98
c Lowercase c 99
d Lowercase d 100
e Lowercase e 101
f Lowercase f 102
g Lowercase g 103
h Lowercase h 104
i Lowercase i 105
j Lowercase j 106
k Lowercase k 107
l Lowercase l 108
m Lowercase m 109
n Lowercase n 110
o Lowercase o 111
p Lowercase p 112
q Lowercase q 113
r Lowercase r 114
s Lowercase s 115
t Lowercase t 116
u Lowercase u 117
v Lowercase v 118
w Lowercase w 119
x Lowercase x 120
y Lowercase y 121
z Lowercase z 122
{ Left curly brace 123
| Vertical bar 124
} Right curly brace 125
~ tilde 126

So what’s before 33 and beyond 126?

  1. ASCII values before 32 (0-31) are control characters. A character code is often used in in-band signaling as a reference point in a set of characters to avoid adding additional symbols to the text.
  2. At 32, we have space, which is included as printed characters, however, it’s not wrong to say space could also serve as a control character.
  3. At 127, we have DEL (delete), which is a control character.
  4. After 127, (128-255), we have Extended ASCII characters representing mathematical and other symbols that are not represented as keys and are not used in general.

Below are the ASCII values of control characters (0-31, 127):

Character Character Name ASCII Code
NULL Null character 00
SOH Start of header 01
STX Start of text 02
ETX End of text 03
EOT End of transmission 04
ENQ enquiry 05
ACK acknowledge 06
BEL bell 07
BS backspace 08
HT Horizontal tab 09
LF Line feed 10
Character Character Name ASCII Code
VT Vertical tab 11
FF Form feed 12
CR Carriage return 13
SO Shift out 14
SI Shift in 15
DLE Data link escape 16
DC1 Device control 1 17
DC2 Device control 2 18
DC3 Device control 3 19
DC4 Device control 4 20
NAK Negative acknowledge 21
Character Character Name ASCII Code
SYN Synchronous idle 22
ETB End of trans. Block 23
CAN Cancel 24
EM End of medium 25
SUB substitute 26
ESC escape 27
FS File separator 28
GS Group separator 29
RS Record separator 30
US Unit separator 31
DEL delete 127

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