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App Modularization in Android 13

Multi Gradle Modularization is a feature introduced in Android 13, wherein you can have multiple grade and project files working inside the same component. In this Geeks for Geeks article we will understand how App Modularization can help you develop apps that use the best practices and get more users for your app.

What is Gradle Modularization?

A multi-module project is one that uses several Gradle modules. The best practices and suggested patterns for creating multi-module Android apps are covered in this book. 

Where the issue arises?

Scalability, readability, and general code quality frequently deteriorate with time in a codebase that is constantly expanding. This occurs as a result of the codebase’s growth without the maintainers actively enforcing an easily manageable structure. Modularization is a technique for organizing your codebase that enhances maintainability and aids in avoiding these issues.

GeekTip: When you start using the modularization techniques discussed in this article, managing your codebase in your personal projects and developer projects would be easy.

Image #1: Understanding how modules can get dependent, and why modularization is necessary.

How does Modularization help?

The method of structuring a codebase into independent, loosely connected components is known as modularization. A module is each component. Each autonomous module has a specific function. You can simplify the design and upkeep of a complicated system by breaking a challenge down into smaller, simpler subproblems. Although there are many advantages to modularization, each one focuses on enhancing a codebase’s overall quality and maintainability. The main advantages are outlined in the table below.



Control the Code Visibility You may simply manage what you expose to other areas of your codebase using modules. To prevent use outside the module, you can mark everything but your public interface as internal or private.
Sharing and Reusing Code Code sharing and the creation of several apps using the same base are made possible by modularity. In essence, modules serve as building blocks. The features of an app should be compiled into a module-organized feature set. In a specific app, the functionality that a certain module offers may or may not be enabled.
Newer Delivery Standards You can use advanced software delivery to optimize code delivery to get your app delivered to the audience which you intend in time.
Scaling the Apps Modules can be used to ensure accountability as well as to provide autonomy. A module may have a dedicated owner who is in charge of maintaining the code, eradicating errors, incorporating tests, and approving modifications.
Being in charge of the entire codebase A single change in a tightly connected codebase can set off a chain reaction of changes in seemingly unrelated sections of code. The separation of concerns principle will be upheld by a project that has been correctly modularized, which limits coupling. Greater autonomy gives the donors more power.
Verifying and Testing the Code Base How simple it is to test your code is what is meant by testability. A testable code is one that allows for simple isolation testing of its components.
Securing your codebase from theft Encapsulation refers to the idea that each component of your code should know as little as possible about other components. Code that is isolated is simpler to read and comprehend.

Determining if Modularization is Better for Your Project

If you are fascinated by the fact that how helpful can Gradle modularization could be for your application, you may also want to know if adding it to your app would be equally feasible or not. Do note that not all apps and codebases could be adapted to the newer codebase management standards and that modularization works well only in certain cases. Each component of your code should know as little as possible about other components, which is what is meant by encapsulation. It is simpler to read and comprehend isolated code.

Avoiding Common Mistakes and Conclusion

The degree to which your codebase is made up of modules determines its granularity. More, smaller modules are present in a more granular codebase. You should select a level of granularity when creating a modularized codebase. Consider the size and relative complexity of your codebase while doing this. Going too coarse will reduce the benefits of modularization while going too fine will make the overhead burdensome.


Reason for Failure (RF)

Your codebase is too complicated to be modularized. Modularizing your project isn’t always a good idea. The size of the codebase is one important consideration. The scalability and build time gains won’t apply if you don’t anticipate your project expanding beyond a certain point.
The codebase is too small or full of boilerplate It is challenging to maintain consistency among modules when the build configuration is complex. A codebase that contains too much boilerplate becomes a burden and is challenging to maintain.
Your codebase is too big to be handled to convert to multi-Gradle. On the other hand, if your modules are getting too big, you risk creating yet another monolith and losing out on the advantages that modularity has to offer. For instance, it’s OK to include the data layer in a single module for a small project. But as it expands, it could be required to divide repositories and data sources into independent modules.

Hope this article helped you understand the concept of Code Modularization and App Multi Gradle support. You can add these functionalities to your app, and then can create better code usability and reliability for your own team over time. The changes would be subtle, but worth working with.

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