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AngularJS Tutorial

AngularJS is a free and open-source JavaScript framework that helps developers build modern web applications. It extends HTML with new attributes and It is perfect for single-page applications (SPAs). AngularJS, developed by Google, has been important in web development since its inception in 2009. AngularJS excels at building SPAs. These are applications that load in the browser once and update content without needing to refresh the entire page, providing a smoother user experience.

AngularJS Tutorial

This AngularJS tutorial is designed to learn AngularJS in a quick and efficiently. You will start by learning the fundamentals of AngularJS, including directives, expressions, filters, modules, and controllers. After that, you will learn about a variety of other aspects of AngularJS, such as events, DOM, forms, input, validation, HTTP, and more.

Additionally, we also provide AngularJS interview questions to help you deepen your understanding of the framework and prepare for potential job opportunities.

AngularJS Prerequisites:

Why Learn AngularJS?

AngularJS is an open-source web application framework, was initially developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons. It is now maintained by Google, and its latest version is 1.2.21.

Basic Example of AngularJS Application

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework written in JavaScript.

AngularJS is distributed as a JavaScript file, and can be added to a web page with a script tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
    <div ng-app="">
      <p>Input something in the input box:</p>
      <p>Name : <input type="text" ng-model="name" placeholder="Enter name here"></p>
      <h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>



AngularJS example Output

Create Your First AngularJS Application

Let’s create a simple AngularJS application that displays a list of subjects. Follow these steps:

  1. Setting Up AngularJS:
    • Download AngularJS or include it via a CDN.
    • Add the AngularJS script to your HTML file.
    • Create an AngularJS module using angular.module.
  2. Creating Your First AngularJS Application:
    • Define a controller using angular.module.controller.
    • Bind data to the view using ng-model.
    • Use directives like ng-repeat and ng-if.

Key Concepts in AngularJS

1. MVC Architecture

AngularJS follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which divides the application logic into three interconnected components:

2. Two-Way Data Binding

One of AngularJS’s standout features is its two-way data binding. Changes in the user interface automatically update the underlying data model and vice versa. This simplifies data synchronization between the view and the model, reducing the need for manual manipulation.

3. Directives

Directives are markers in the DOM that instruct AngularJS to attach specific behavior to a DOM element or transform the DOM’s structure. They enhance HTML with new functionalities and enable the creation of reusable components. Common directives include ng-modelng-repeat, and ng-if.

4. Services

AngularJS provides a set of built-in services that offer common functionalities, such as HTTP requests, routing, and more. Developers can also create custom services to encapsulate specific features and share them across different components.

5. Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern used in AngularJS, allowing components to be loosely coupled. This enhances modularity and simplifies testing.

Advantages of AngularJS

Additional Aspects to Explore

  1. Events and DOM Manipulation: Dive deeper into handling events, interacting with the DOM, and creating dynamic user experiences.
  2. Forms and Input Validation: Learn how AngularJS simplifies form handling and validation, ensuring a smooth user interaction.
  3. HTTP Communication: Understand how to make HTTP requests and handle responses within your AngularJS application.
  4. Custom Directives and Filters: Explore creating custom directives and filters to enhance your application’s functionality.

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