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Android | Creating a SeekBar

Android SeekBar is a type of ProgressBar. On touching the thumb on seekbar and dragging it to the right or left, the current value of the progress changes. SeekBar is used for forwarding or backwarding the songs, Video etc. In the setOnSeekBarChangeListener interface is used which provides three methods.

  1. onProgressChanged: In this method progress is changed and then according to this change the progress value can used in our logic.
  2. onStartTrackingTouch: In this method when the user has started dragging, then this method will be called automatically.
  3. onStopTrackingTouch: In this method, when the user stops dragging, then this method will called automatically.

Below are the steps for Creating SeekBar Android Application:

The complete code of or activity_main.xml of SeekBar is given below: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

package org.geeksforgeeks.navedmalik.seekbar;
// Import the libraries
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.SeekBar;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    // Define the global variable
    SeekBar seekbar;
    TextView Text_message;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        // Binding the layout to the file
        // use findViewById() to get the Button
            = (TextView)findViewById(;
            = (SeekBar)findViewById(;
        // Get the progress value of the SeekBar
        // using setOnSeekBarChangeListener() method
                new SeekBar
                    .OnSeekBarChangeListener() {
                        // When the progress value has changed
                        public void onProgressChanged(
                            SeekBar seekBar,
                            int progress,
                            boolean fromUser)
                            // increment 1 in progress and
                            // increase the textsize
                            // with the value of progress
                            message.setTextSize(progress + 1);
                        public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)
                            // This method will automatically
                            // called when the user touches the SeekBar
                        public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)
                            // This method will automatically
                            // called when the user
                            // stops touching the SeekBar


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