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Anal Fissure: Treatment, Symptoms, Causes and Healing

It is the small cut on the thin moist tissue which lines the anus. It is very common in younger age groups or in infants. Mostly they can be treated at home, in some cases, doctors prescribe some medication or do surgery to treat it.

What is an Anal Fissure?


Hard stool and straining around the anus cause the tearing of tissue around the anus is known as an Anal Fissure. Fissures can be painful sometimes and they also bleed in some cases.

Symptoms of Anal Fissure


Following are the symptoms of an anal fissure are:

Causes of Anal Fissure

Due to the hard stool because of chronic constipation tissue around the anus tear or frequent diarrhea can also pull apart the tissue around the anus.

Other rare conditions which develop fissures are:

Treatment of Anal Fissure


The main focus during treating fissures is to decrease the pressure near the anus. This is achieved by soft fecal matter. Following treatment in combination try during treating fissure:

By the above methods mostly the fissure is healed after some time. But if the above methods are not helping to heal fissures then the other methods try to heal them.

Prevention of Anal Fissure


The following are the preventive measure to control the fissure:

If in Infant

In Adults

Risk Factors

How to heal an Anal Fissure?

In most cases, anal fissure is healed at home. Maintaining hygiene, and keeping the anus area dry, help in healing the fissure easily. Taking a high-fiber diet, drinking enough water, having sitz baths, and using medication that reduces the inflammation also helps to heal the fissure.

Pain Management

Anal fissures are painful at the time of bowel moment. By using some ointment and medication to treat inflammation, and overcome the pain. Taking a warm bath relaxes the rectal muscles and also helps in healing.

Please Note: These measures and Symptoms may vary and are just to provide educational information about the disease and are not standard practices. We advise you to consult a healthcare professional, before trying anything at home.

FAQs on Anal Fissure

Question 1: How does a fissure occur?


Fissures occurred because of the tearing of anus tissue due to constipation, and hard stool tears in the inner membrane of the anus.

Question 2: Who is at risk for anal fissures?


People are at high risk those facing the following factors:

  1. Constipation
  2. Diarrhea
  3. In cases of females after giving Childbirth
  4. Staring around the anus during the bowel moment

Question 3: What does surgery for an anal fissure involve?


In normal cases, fissures heal themselves by doing some prevention. In some rare case doctor do surgical procedures in which they remove the inner layer of the muscle sphincter of the anus process is known as lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS). Surgery helps in fast healing and gives relief from pain.

Question 4: What are the complications of a fissure?


Some complications that occur due to anal fissures are:

  1. Pain during bowel moment
  2. A single tear can extend to nearby muscles.
  3. Repeatedly occurring of anal Fissure.
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