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Amdocs Interview Experience | Set 12 (On-Campus)

Amdocs came on campus for the recruitment process. It was a 2 day process. Online Test was conducted earlier and the interviews were conducted on a separate day.

Branches allowed were B.E (COE, IT, ECE) and M.Tech (Information Systems). I am a M.Tech Student.

Round 1: Online Test (Moderate)

Time Duration: 90 minutes

No of questions: 51 MCQ + 1 code

The test was comprised of MCQs where most asked questions were from shell scripting(echo, cp, chmod, cd and their options), sql (normalization and joins), c and c++ output questions including pointers, string manipulation, precedence and associativity of operators etc (around 35 questions). Rest topics were aptitude and reasoning (around 7-8 questions like sequence, pattern, statements and conclusion, puzzles), english (2 easy passage), OOPS concepts.

1 Coding problem: Detect loop in a linked list

My friend got the coding problem to check whether a given integer is a palindrome or not.

Around 50-60 students appeared for the written test and 15 got shortlisted for the F2F interview.

Note: Time is more than enough. Accuracy is the main focus in the test.

Round 2: F2F Interview (Easy-Moderate)

There was only 1 F2F discussion (60-90 minutes) with a panel of 2 interviewers. The interview went as follows:

Round 2 was not an elimination round. Everyone appeared for the HR round.

Round 3: (HR discussion)

HR round was a 15-20 minutes discussion and most common HR questions were asked in this round.

Then HR asked me to wait for the results.

Finally the results came and 3 out of 15 (2 M.Tech and 1 B.E. student) including me, were selected for the full time Software engineering associate position. After the results, they praised each one of us and gave us the printed offer letters :-). It was an amazing feeling after getting selected in Amdocs 🙂

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