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Amazon WoW Interview Experience for SDE-I 2021

Amazon announced only women hiring event on June 2021 (Amazon WOW 2021). There was portal where we had to register ourselves. Then an invite for exam is sent to us.

Written Test:

  1. Screening test: Computer fundamentals and 1 easy coding question.
  2. Standard amazon placement test (Debugging, coding, workstyles assessment, aptitude)


Round 1(November 17th, 2021): The interviewer was Quality Assurance Manager. It was a 1hour round on Amazon chime, the interviewer gave his intro and asked mine. Then he right away gave the ques.

  1. First, I had to tell my approach then, I had to code.
  2. I solved both of them. Some time was left and he asked me if I have any questions for him. I asked him about how they decide what kind of projects to be assigned to a fresher. He explained it.

Received a mail regarding round 2 next day

Round 2(November 18th, 2021): The interviewer was SDE II. The interviewer introduced himself and asked for mine. Then he asked me a bit about my intern project. Just some basic ques. Then he gave me ques to solve.

After 6 days I received a call from HR on 24th November informing I have cleared round 2 and I have round 3 on same day. Then again it was rescheduled to next day.

Round 3(November 25th, 2021): The interviewer was a SDM with 5years experience at amazon. She joined 15min late. 



  1. Read the interview experiences as many as possible they help a lot.
  2. Always ask questions to the interviewer in the end of interview.
  3. Be honest and keep cool.
  4. Prepare some behavioural questions before giving the interview.
  5. It’s better if you have practiced intro and projects out loud to yourself.
  6. Practice a lot, cover all the basic problems and practice on GFG, Leetcode, Interviewbit.
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