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Amazon Interview Experience | Set 247 (For SDE 1)

Round 1:
Coding Round on paper
1 Add two numbers represented by linked lists
2 Spirally traversing a matrix
Round 2:

1 Tell me about yourself??
2 Row with max 1s

Round 3: Hiring Manager
Have you use what’s app, there are some hints come when we start type. How these hints are coming.He asked me 1 to design my own code so that I can show the hint based on number of count of particular word that I am using??
2 A At of disscussion on above question and he shows me how amazon maitain their product recommedation feature.
Round 4:

1 Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size.
2 Minimum swaps required to arrange pairs adjacent to each other

Round 5: Telephonic (Bar raiser)

1 A lot of disscussion on my projects.
2 Most challenging thing you have done in your both company??
3 Disagreement with your manager?
4 Is there any thing you develop which initiated by yourself??
5 Any time when you have to finished your work in short span of time?
6 Did you find any difficulty working with a team??
7 hrtp://

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