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Amazon Interview Experience for SDE-1

Hi everyone,

Hope everything is well with you. Today I’m going to share my amazon interview experience for the role of SDE-1. Hope it’ll help you in preparing for your next coding interview.  So without further ado let’s get started. 

I applied for the role of SDE-1 through amazon jobs portal. Next I got an invite for Online Assessment (OA).

Online Assessment: There are two parts of online assessment.

First part consisted of couple of questions based on data structures & algorithms 

  1. First question –
  2. Second question –

Second part consisted mainly on behavioral aspects. 

Round 1: This round was mostly a discussion on previous company project that I worked on, some behavioral questions based on Amazon leadership principles, some technical questions. 

Some of the questions that I could recall are as follows :-

Round 2: This round was mixture of coding questions and behavioral questions.

  1. The behavioral question was: Have you experienced pressure at work? Describe such situation
  2. Lowest common ancestor in binary tree and then lowest common ancestor in binary search tree.

    We discussed on edge cases like

    • What if the input node values are not present in the tree
    • one of the input node or both are null
    • root node is null
  3. Shortest unique prefix of all words in an array

    we discussed on edge cases like:

    • If input array is empty
    • If any word is empty
    • what if there are duplicate words in the input array ( the interviewer told that all words are distinct )

Round 3: This round was mixture of coding questions and behavioral questions.

  1. The behavioral question was: Tell us about a time when you missed a deadline or productivity target? What was the business impact and what you learned from it?
  2. Given an increasing series first and then decreasing find the first element which starts decreasing

    Let’s say there’s an array [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 10, 5, 1] -> answer is 40 since from 40 it starts decreasing

    We discussed on many edge cases like

    • series is increasing only
    • series is decreasing only
    • decreasing series first and then increasing
    • series where increasing first then decreasing and then increasing again and then decreasing…

    let’s say an array [0, 10, 20, 30, 25, 20, 40, 60, 50, 30] -> firstly it increases, then decreases and then same repeats, so answer in this case will be 30

  3. Given an array of integers, find maximal product triplet –

    Let’s take an array [1, -4, 3, -6, 7, 0] -> answer will be 168 (-6 x -4 x 7)

    We discussed on edge cases like

    • If input array contains less than three numbers
    • input array containing only negative numbers
    • input array containing both positive and negative numbers

Round 4: This round consisted of coding questions, behavioral questions and some technical questions

  1. The behavioral question was: Tell us about a time when you had to solve a complex task under strict timeline? What was your approach and how you solved it?
  2. Given two strings s and t of lengths m and n respectively, return the minimum window substring of s such that every character in t (including duplicates) is included in the window. If there is no such substring, return the empty string “”.

    Clarified on some questions like

    • If length of string s is less than length of string t
    • If either string s or t is empty
  3. Find a triplet in an array whose sum is closest to a given number.

    Let’s take an array say [-1, 2, 1, -4] and sum = 1 -> the triplet will (-1, 2, 1)

    We discussed on edge cases like

    • What will be the output if triplet is not present
    • If there are multiple triplets, then which triplet to print (interviewer confirmed you can return any triplet)
    • what will be the output if input contains less than 3 numbers

Technical questions:-

Final Verdict: Selected

So I’ve few tips to share which are as follows:-

Finally I wish you all the best. Good luck. Thanks and take care. 

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