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Amazon Interview Experience | 195 (On-Campus For SDE-1)

20 mcqs – OS, Apti, Puzzles, C, DSA

2 coding –
1. Merge intervals given in array
2. Variation of Josephus problem with k=2

Interview round 1
1. Find Largest Sub-Matrix With All 1s (Not Necessarily Square)
2. Search element in a sorted rotated array in only one (logn).

Some of my friends were asked –
1. Merge 2 BSTs
2. Diameter of Binary Tree
3. first positive element not in array(unsorted)
4. check binary tree is BST
5. search an element in a very large array, you don’t know it’s size
6. Decreasing sorted array given , make a balanced BST.
7. Generate all permutations of string.
8. 2 unsorted arrays given, find if there BSTs will be same.
9. Find a triplet a, b, c such that a2 = b2 + c2.
10. Convert a BST into a DLL and DLL to BST in place.

Interview Round 2
1. Delete half nodes from binary tree
2. kth largest element in large array
3. All strings possible from a no. for example 26, Ans – “B”,”Z”,”BF”
4. Implement a stack with push(), pop() and min() in O(1) time, using Class concept.

Tips –
Only Hardwork and practice helps. And of course your luck on interview day 🙂

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