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Amazon Internship Interview Experience

I applied to Amazon for an SDE internship role -Berlin and received a test invitation(although I was later moved to Edinburgh, UK). The process included two sections, the test, and the interviews. There were three-phased coding tests and two personal interviews. 

Coding Tests

Part I: 

Part II: 

Part III: 


There were two personal interviews with technical as well as behavioral parts, both having a good amount of importance. Both interviews are about 45-60 minutes, with one coding question each. 

  1. Given a maze with paths and walls, represented by strings, print whether or not there is a path from the topmost line to the bottommost line(row). This problem can be solved using a BFS approach, similar to This GFG article
  2. Given customer logs and page transition logs as a list of class objects, identify the most common/frequent page transitions. This was a complex question to look at but could be solved using hashmaps if considered carefully. 


Apart from that, some of the questions you could prepare for are

Lastly, I’d say no matter what the outcome is, you should give yourself a little treat for working so hard:)

Every challenge has only two things in its satchel – success or a lesson. Not everyone grabs the second, but those who do- WIN!

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