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Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC)

After the independence, the Indian farmers were not in very good condition and it was a great challenge for the Government of India, how could it get the farmers the right price for their crops and at the same time ensure proper marketing of the crops in the nation. Hence, to address this issue, the Indian government has set up a committee called Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) or Agricultural Produce & Livestock Market Committee. The Model APMC Act was introduced in 2003 by the government of India.

What is APMC?

The APMC is a regulatory and marketing council, developed by Indian state governments to protect Indian farmers from exploitation by large retailers. Also, it regulates the prices of the crops from the farms to the retail stores. The state governments of India through APMCs ensure that the prices of crops don’t get excessively increase. The primary duties and responsibilities of APMC include maintaining proper transparency in the pricing, keeping an eye on transactions, and the most important i.e ensuring that the farmers get their payment on the same day, they sold their crops. 

What is Model APMC Act?

The central government of India passed the Model APMC Act in 2003, with the primary objective develop a better and more efficient marketing system for buying and selling crops. This act broadly focuses on promoting the export of surplus agricultural produce in the nation. Also with the help of this act, the Government of India tries a built better agricultural infrastructure, by assigning new rules and procedures. 

By 2016, 17 states of India has modified (Completely/partially) their APMC in line with the center’s Model APMC Act, 2003.

What Are the Provisions of the Model APMC Act, 2003

Many amendments were made to the new Model APMC Act, 2003 by the union government to benefit the farmers. Some of the provisions that farmers get under this act are mentioned below.

EPMC and Contract Farming:

Contract farming is nothing new for the agricultural industry in India. Contract farming simply means the farmers produce a specific crop asked by a food processing industry or any marketing consultancy. In this kind of contract, the second party buys the crop directly from the farmer at pre-decided rates. In many cases contract farming has proved to be quite beneficial for farmers but still, there isn’t complete transparency in this system thus to reduce the discrepancy in contract farming the GOI announced certain provisions for contract farming under the model APMC act.

What is the e-Nam Portal?

The e-Nam portal or the Electronic National Agriculture Market portal is a union government portal that acts as a link between several APMCs across India. This portal allows all APMCs to come together and form a single market for buying and selling all types of agricultural commodities. Via the e-NAM portal, all the APMCs can gather information about the arrival of crops, their prices, availability, etc. The e-NAM portal brings transparency to the system and reduces the discrepancy in the information and also significantly reduces the transaction costs. 

Advantages of Model APMC Act:

Drawbacks of Model APMC Act:

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