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Add given timestamps by overloading + operator in C++ Time Class


Input: T1 = 5:50:30, T2 = 7:20:34 
Output: 13:11:4 

Approach: To achieve the + operator overloading, below steps/functions are made:

Class Time is defined in which there are 3 variables to store the value of hours, minutes and seconds respectively.

int HR, MIN, SEC;
where HR is for hours, 
      MIN is for minutes, and 
      SEC is for seconds
void setTime(int x, int y, int z)
    x = HR;
    y = MIN;
    z = SEC;
void showTime()
    cout << HR << ":" << MIN << ":" << SEC;

Overloading of + operator to add time T1 and T2 using operator overloading.

Below is the C++ program implementing + overloading to add two timestamps:

// C++ program to implement + operator
// overloading to add two timestamps
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Time class template
class Time {
    int HR, MIN, SEC;
    // Defining functions
    // Functions to set the time
    // in the Time class template
    void setTime(int x, int y, int z)
        HR = x;
        MIN = y;
        SEC = z;
    // Function to print the time
    // in HH:MM:SS format
    void showTime()
        cout << endl
             << HR << ":" << MIN << ":" << SEC;
    // Function to normalize the resultant
    // time in standard form
    void normalize()
        MIN = MIN + SEC / 60;
        SEC = SEC % 60;
        HR = HR + MIN / 60;
        MIN = MIN % 60;
    // + Operator overloading
    // to add the time t1 and t2
    Time operator+(Time t)
        Time temp;
        temp.SEC = SEC + t.SEC;
        temp.MIN = MIN + t.MIN;
        temp.HR = HR + t.HR;
        return (temp);
// Driver code
int main()
    Time t1, t2, t3;
    t1.setTime(5, 50, 30);
    t2.setTime(7, 20, 34);
    // Operator overloading
    t3 = t1 + t2;
    // Printing results
    return 0;



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