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Accenture Interview Experience for ASE

I recently applied for the position of Associate Software Engineer at Accenture and was thrilled to receive an email inviting me to the selection process. The selection process consisted of three rounds:

I felt nervous, but I had prepared well for the interviews. Each round was challenging yet rewarding.

Cognitive Assessment MCQ test

In the Cognitive Assessment round, there were 90 questions to be completed in 1 hour and 40 minutes. The questions covered various topics, including English grammar, aptitude, logical reasoning, networking, and pseudo-codes.

Coding Round

The Coding Round had two questions that tested my knowledge of data structure concepts such as trees, graphs, etc.

HR Interview

Finally, I had the HR round, the last stage of the selection process. The interviewer asked questions based on my resume, such as the projects I had worked on, my strengths and weaknesses, and an example of a bug I encountered in a project and how I resolved it. Additionally, they inquired about my willingness to relocate.

after a week I got mail to complete the joining process.

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