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15 Commonly Asked Blockchain Interview Questions & Answers

Blockchain is the backbone Technology of Digital Crypto Currency Bitcoin. The blockchain is a distributed database of records of all transactions or digital events that have been executed and shared among participating parties. Each transaction verified by the majority of participants of the system. It contains every single record of each transaction. Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency an example of the blockchain      .

Blockchain technology first came to light when a person or group of individuals name ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ published a white paper on “BitCoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system” in 2008. Blockchain Technology Records Transaction in Digital Ledger which is distributed over the network thus making it incorruptible. Anything of value like Land Assets, Cars, etc. can be recorded on Blockchain as a Transaction.

1. How would you explain the concept of Blockchain to a layman?

Blockchain is a decentralized technology. It is a distributed database where data is stored in blocks. These blocks are connected with each other forming a chain where each block contains a timestamp and links to the previous block. Every node in the blockchain network gets a copy of the whole database and there is no central authority holding all the data.

2. What are the features provided by Blockchain?

3. What is the Consensus mechanism in Blockchain?

Consensus is basically a set of protocols that regulate the blockchain network. It ensures no duplicate block is added to the chain and the block is added only after it is agreed upon by all other nodes in the network. It helps to achieve reliability and trust among the peer nodes.

There are different consensus algorithms:

4. What is the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin?



Bitcoin was introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 Ethereum was introduced in the year 2013 by Vitalik Buterin
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency Ethereum is also a cryptocurrency but it contains executable codes and smart contract that are used for making DApps 
The average block time is 10 min The average block time is 10-15 sec
Bitcoin is Turing incomplete Ethereum is Turing complete
It uses Proof of Work (PoW) Although, Ethereum used to work on PoW, it transitioned to Proof of Stake (PoS) in September 2022
Its native cryptocurrency is Bitcoin (BTC) Its native cryptocurrency is Ether (ETH)

5. Explain the difference between Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake.

Proof of Work: PoW is a consensus algorithm in which a puzzle or problem is given. The node that solves the given puzzle first, gets the reward. And the block is added to the network after broadcast. It verifies the transaction. Any malicious user would need to have 51% of computation power to solve the problem and thereby add the wrong block.

Proof of Stake: Proof of Stake is a consensus algorithm in which the new block is validated by the node having the highest stake or highest coins. There is no reward system instead the validator collects the network fee. Any malicious user would need to have 51% of the total money on the network to add a wrong block. 

6. What are some different types of Blockchain?

7. What are Smart Contracts and why they are useful?

Smart Contracts are self-executable lines of code in blockchain. They define the rules of how a transaction has to be processed between the parties under specific conditions. It is basically a digital contract for a blockchain network that facilitates implementing new functionalities using the blockchain allowing them to use in real world applications.

8. What is a dApp and how it is different from Smart Contract?

9. How blocks are added to a Blockchain?

Blocks are added to the blockchain through the process of mining. When a transaction is made, the corresponding block is created which needs to be first validated by more than half (51% at least) of the nodes on the network. Once validated, the block is broadcasted to the whole network and then added to the blockchain.

10. What is Merkle Trees? Explain their concept.

Merkle trees data structure is also called a binary hash tree. It helps to verify whether a transaction can be added to a block or not. Every transaction is hashed through the proper algorithms. Each leaf node is a hash of the transaction and the non-leaf node is a hash of its previous hashes (child hashes). The hash generated at the end (or top of the tree) is called the Merkle Root.

This Merkle root is stored in the block header. Thus, a block header contains Merkle Root, Hash of the previous block, Timestamp, and Nonce. All of them help to make the block tamper-proof and maintain the integrity of the data.

This Merkle Tree structure is used by both Bitcoin and Ethereum.

11. What is the difference between a Blockchain and a database?



Blockchain is a decentralized network with no central authority. The database is centralized because there is an admin who manages the whole database.
Blockchain is slow in terms of data processing Database is fast
More secure and tamperproof Less secure and prone to hacks
Blockchain provides history to trace back to any transaction The database does not provide any tracing back feature

12. What is Double Spending? 

The scenario where one digital token is spent multiple times because the token generally consists of a digital file that can easily be cloned is known as double-spending. It simply leads to inflation and organizations must bear a huge loss as the same coins could be spent twice by its owner. Blockchain prevents double-spending by confirming a transaction by multiple parties before the actual transaction is written to the ledger. This confirmation serves as the governing factor in terms of security as well.

13. Give real-life use case of blockchain.

14. What are the components of a blockchain architecture?

15. What is a 51% attack?

It is the situation where malicious miners/attackers are present in the majority of a blockchain network i.e., more than 50%. They try to prevent new transactions from gaining confirmations and are also capable of reversing transactions that are completed; it means they could double-spend coins.

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