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WSDL <ports> Element

WSDL <ports> Element is used as an individual endpoint for web services by specifying a single address for a binding. More than one address MUST NOT be specified in a port. Other than address information, a `<port>` CANNOT specify any binding information.


<wsdl:port name = "..." binding = "..."> *

The bellow examples will illustrate the WSDL <ports> Element:

Example 1: Here is this example we will be showing a request service.

<service name = "Request_Service">
   <port binding = "tns:Request_Binding" name = "Request_Port">
      <soap:address location = ""></soap:address>

In this example, we define a service named “Request_Service” with a port named “Request_Port.” This port is bound to the “Request_Binding,” and its address is specified as “”

Example 2: Here is this example we will be showing a greeting service.

<service name = "Hello_Service">
   <documentation>WSDL File for HelloService</documentation>
   <port binding = "tns:Hello_Binding" name = "Hello_Port">
      <soap:address location = ""></soap:address>

In this second example, we has defined a service named “Hello_Service” with a port named “Hello_port”. The binding is set to “Hello_Binding” and the address specified as “”.

In conclusion, the WSDL `<port>` element plays a crucial role in defining endpoints for web services, allowing you to specify addresses and bindings.

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