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Words that Start with N

The Phoenicians, an ancient seafaring civilization, are credited with developing one of the earliest known writing systems, the Phoenician alphabet. The letter “N” likely originated from a hieroglyph representing a snake or serpent.

List of Words that Start with N

Here’s a range of words that start with the letter ‘N’.

Word Length Words
2 letter words that start with N No, Ne, Na, Ni
3 letter words that start with N Nut, Not, Now, Net, Nib, Nod, Nag
4 letter words that start with N Nose, Null, Name, Nice, Nest, Numb, Neat, Near
5 letter words that start with N Niche, Noise, Novel, Nudge, Niece, Notify
6 letter words that start with N Napkin, Notion, Nestle, Noodle, Number, Notice
7 letter words that start with N Narrate, Nowhere, Nominee, Nurture, Nursery, Neutral, Novelty, Narwhal, Nalanda, Najeras , Nabbing, Naganas
8 letter words that start with N Nickname, Normalcy, Numerous, Necklace, National, Nauseous, Negative, Narcomas, Narcists, Naproxen, Narrowly, Narrowed, Narrator, Narrates, Nearside
9 letter words that start with N Navigator, Neighbour, Narrative, Necessary, Negligent, Nostalgic, Nocturnal, Nabobisms, Nailbrush, Nailheads, Nailpaint, Natatoria, Nationals, Naturally, Navigator
10 letter words that start with N Negligence, Noteworthy, Nourishing, Nonchalant, Neutrality, Naboberies, Nabobships, Naffnesses, Nahcolites, Narrowness, Narrowband, Narcotists

Words That Start with N to Describe Someone

  1. Noble – Someone with high moral principles and ideals.
  2. Nurturing – Someone who is supportive, caring, and encourages growth.
  3. Nifty – Someone who is particularly good or stylish.
  4. Nimble – Someone quick and light in movement or action; agile.
  5. Naughty – Someone who behaves mischievously or disobediently.

Words That Start with N for Kids

  1. Night – The time after the sun goes down.
  2. Nest – A structure built by birds to lay their eggs and take care of their young.
  3. Nose – The part of the face that smells and breathes.
  4. Noodle – A type of food made from dough that is often served with sauce.
  5. Nickel – A five-cent coin or a type of metal.

Positive Words That Start with N

  1. Nice – Pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory.
  2. Nourish – To provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
  3. Noteworthy – Worthy of attention; remarkable.
  4. Novel – New and not resembling something formerly known or used.
  5. Nurture – Care for and encourage the growth or development of.

Easy Words That Start with N

  1. Net – A device made of fibers woven in a grid-like structure, used for catching things.
  2. Nap – A short sleep, especially during the day.
  3. New – Not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.
  4. Nod – To move your head up and down as a way of answering “yes” or to show agreement, understanding, or approval.
  5. Nut – A hard-shelled fruit of some plants that has a seed, which is edible in some cases.

5 Letter Words That Start with N

  1. Nymph – A mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations.
  2. Nudge – To push gently or touch someone or something lightly.
  3. Nasty – Very bad or unpleasant.
  4. Noble – Having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles.
  5. Nooks – Small corners or recesses especially in a room.

Cool Words That Start with N

  1. Nebula – A giant cloud of dust and gas in space. Some nebulae are the birthplaces of stars.
  2. Nexus – A connection or series of connections linking two or more things.
  3. Noir – A genre of crime film or fiction characterized by cynicism, fatalism, and moral ambiguity.
  4. Nomad – A person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer.
  5. Nucleus – The central and most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the basis for its activity and growth.

25 Nouns That Start with N

25 Verbs That Start with N

25 Describing Words That Start with N

25 Words That Start with N for Everyday Communication

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