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Why the component data must be a function in vue.js ?

In Vue.js, the component data must be a function because it ensures that each instance of a component has its own isolated scope and data. If the data were defined as an object, all instances of the component would share the same reference to the same data object. This could result in unexpected behavior and bugs, especially in larger applications where multiple instances of the same component are used. By using a function to define the data, each instance of the component will receive its own unique data object, which is created when the component is instantiated. This helps to maintain the integrity and expected behavior of each component in the application.

Importance of using a function to define component data in Vue.js:

These are just a few of the benefits of using a function to define component data in Vue.js. In Vue.js, each component instance has its own set of data. To ensure that each instance has its own unique set of data, the data option in a component must be a function that returns an object, rather than an object itself. This is because the object returned from a function is created every time a new instance of the component is created, while an object assigned directly to the data option would be shared across all instances.


Example 1: This example demonstrates when the data option was not a function. Here, all instances of the component would have the same value for the message. This is because the data object is shared among all instances of the component.

        <h3>{{ message }}</h3>
    const data = {
"Why the component data must be a function in Vue.js?",
    export default {


Why the component data must be a function in Vue.js?

The component displays the message “Why the component data must be a function in Vue.js?” on the page. By defining the data property as a function that returns an object or as a variable, Vue.js ensures that each instance of the component has its own isolated state.

Example 2: This example describes the use of the function to define the data for a component. The component displays the message “GeeksforGeeks” on the page. By defining the data property as a function that returns an object or as a variable, Vue.js ensures that each instance of the component has its own isolated state.

        <h1>{{ message }}</h2>
    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                message: "GeeksforGeeks"



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