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Why is iterating over a dictionary slow in Python?

In this article, we are going to discuss why is iterating over a dict so slow in Python? Before coming to any conclusion lets have a look at the performance difference between NumPy arrays and dictionaries in python:

# import modules
import numpy as np
import sys
# compute numpy performance
def np_performance():
    array = np.empty(100000000)
    for i in range(100000000):
        array[i] = i
    print("SIZE : "
# compute dictionary performance
def dict_performance():
    dic = dict()
    for i in range(100000000):
        dic[i] = i
    print("SIZE : "

In the above Python Script we have two functions :

  1. np_performance: This function creates an empty NumPy array for 10,00,000 elements and iterates over the entire array updating individual element’s value to the iterator location (‘i’ in this case)
  2. dict_performance: This function creates an empty Dictionary for 10,00,000 elements and iterates over the entire dictionary updating individual element’s value to the iterator location (‘i’ in this case)

And finally, a sys.getsizeof() function call to calculate the memory usage by respective data structures.

Now we call both these functions, and to measure the time taken by each function we use %time function which gives us the Time execution of a Python statement or expression. %time function can be used both as a line and cell magic:

  1. In the inline mode, you can time a single-line statement (though multiple ones can be chained using semicolons).
  2. In cell mode, you can time the cell body (a directly following statement raises an error).

Calling these functions from inline mode using %time method :

# compute time taken
%time np_performance()


# compute time taken
%time dict_performance()


As we can see there is quite a difference in Wall time between iterating on a NumPy array and a python dictionary.

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