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Who Invented the First Computer Mouse? : History & Evolution

The computer mouse is a widely-used input device that has become an essential tool for interacting with computers. The invention of the mouse has been a significant breakthrough in the field of human-computer interaction and has greatly improved the efficiency and ease of use of computer interfaces. The first computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1963, and since then, it has undergone several changes and has become a vital part of modern technology. 

Inventor of Mouse

Modern Day Mouse

Original Design and Function of the Mouse

Impact of the Computer Mouse

Evolution of Mouse 


In conclusion, the computer mouse was invented in 1963 by Douglas Engelbart, an engineer and computer scientist working at the Stanford Research Institute. The first mouse was a wooden shell with two metal wheels on the bottom, which were used to track movement on a surface. This early design evolved over the years to incorporate new technologies such as the ball mouse, optical mice, and laser mice. Today, the mouse remains an essential input device for computers and is a key component of modern human-computer interaction. The invention of the mouse by Douglas Engelbart was a major step forward in the development of the personal computer and has had a lasting impact on the way we interact with technology.

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