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What is the use of array_count_values() function in PHP ?

In this article, we will discuss array_count_values() function & its usage in PHP, along with understanding its basic implementation through the illustrations.

The array_count_values() function is used to count all the values inside an array. In other words, we can say that array_count_values() function is used to calculate the frequency of all of the elements of an array.


array array_count_values( $array )

Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $array. This parameter is the array for which we need to calculate the count of values present in it.

Return Value: This function returns an associative array with key-value pairs in which keys are the elements of the array passed as parameters and values are the frequency of these elements in an array.

Example: PHP Program to count values in an array.

// Array of subjects with 4 elements
$array1 = ["Python", "c/cpp", "php", "java"];
// Count values in an array


    [Python] => 1
     => 1
     => 1
     => 1

Example 2: PHP program illustrating the total count for each individual element in an array.

// Array of subjects with 8 elements
$array1 = [
    "R programming",
// Count values in an array


    [Python] => 1
     => 2
     => 2
     => 2
    [R programming] => 1

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