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What is the difference between ‘width: 100%’ and ‘width: 100vw’ in CSS ?

The CSS width Property is used to set the width of the text and images. The width can be assigned to the text and images in the form of pixels(px), percentages (%), centimeters (cm), etc.

The width: 100% sets an element’s width relative to its containing block, making it responsive within its parent. The width: 100% responds to the container’s size.

The width: 100vw sets the width relative to the viewport, making the element span the full viewport width. The width: 100vw always spans the entire viewport width, potentially causing horizontal scrollbars.

The choice depends on whether you want responsiveness within a container or a full-width element relative to the viewport.

Difference between width: 100% and width: 100vw

Aspect width: 100% width: 100vw
Reference Point Relative to containing block Absolute, relative to the viewport width
Responsive Layouts Adjusts to the parent container’s width Spans full viewport width regardless of container
Scrollbars Typically avoids horizontal scrollbars May trigger horizontal scrollbars if content overflows viewport
Nested Containers Suitable for responsive components within a container Ideal for full-width sections or backgrounds
Viewport Dependency Responsive to containing element’s size Independent of containing element’s size
Use Cases Responsive grids, flexible layouts within a container Full-width hero sections, backgrounds covering the viewport
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