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What is the difference between Tornado and django


Tornado and Django are both powerful Python web frameworks used for web development. However, they serve different purposes and have distinct features. This article aims to elucidate the differences between Tornado and Django, shedding light on their purposes, key features, use cases, and how they handle asynchronous requests.

Purpose and Use Cases



Key Features



Difference Table :




Programming Paradigm

Asynchronous, event-driven programming model

Primarily follows a synchronous programming model

Learning Curve

Steeper learning curve due to asynchronous programming concepts

Relatively easier to learn and use

Asynchronous Support

Built for asynchronous operations, efficiently handling concurrent connections.

Supports asynchronous operations but is not optimized for high-concurrency scenarios.

Request Handling Approach

Based on a single-threaded event loop, handling requests asynchronously.

Follows a more traditional synchronous request-response model.

Concurrency and Performance

Highly efficient in handling high concurrency and large numbers of connections.

Can handle concurrency but may have limitations compared to Tornado in high-concurrency scenarios.


Highly scalable, excelling in handling a massive number of open connections.

Scalable, but may require additional configurations for efficient scaling in high-concurrency scenarios.

WebSockets Support

Built-in support for WebSockets, making it suitable for real-time applications.

Supports WebSockets but may require additional libraries for efficient usage.

Community and Ecosystem

Smaller community compared to Django, resulting in a smaller pool of available plugins and resources.

Boasts a massive and active community, resulting in an extensive ecosystem of plugins, packages, and documentation.

ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)

Supports ORM but is less opinionated about the choice of ORM. Developers can use their preferred ORM.

Provides a powerful ORM system for seamless interaction with the database, encouraging best practices and design patterns.

Database Support

Supports multiple databases but is more flexible in terms of database choice, allowing integration with various databases.

Has a more integrated and powerful ORM system, supporting multiple databases, and provides a high-level database abstraction.


Requires proper handling of asynchronous code to ensure security.

Security is well-integrated into the framework and follows best practices for secure web application development.

Community and Documentation

Active community, but documentation and resources may be comparatively limited.

Extensive community support with abundant tutorials, documentation, and a rich set of resources.

Maturity and Stability

Considered mature and stable but may require more in-depth knowledge of asynchronous programming for optimal usage.

Extremely mature and stable, widely used in various production-level applications and projects.

Deployment and Integration

Offers flexibility in deployment and integration due to its asynchronous nature.

Requires proper configuration for deployment and integration to handle synchronous and asynchronous components efficiently.

Understanding the differences between Tornado and Django is crucial for selecting the right framework for a web development project. Tornado is optimal for high-performance applications requiring asynchronous support and real-time updates. Django excels in rapidly building feature-rich, traditional web applications. The choice ultimately depends on the project’s specific requirements, including performance needs, scalability, and development style.

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