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What is HTTP2 in Wireshark?

HTTP1 and HTTP2 are separate versions of web standards, which implies that the former is the original and the latter is a newer version. While there are only a few major changes between them, they have both been developed to address issues within their predecessor. For example, early on in development, HTTP1 had a lot of limitations and problems that needed to be addressed. To this point, you might wonder why anyone would use an older protocol when it could potentially be replaced by newer versions. 


File uploads or transfers:

In HTTP1, once a user uploaded a file to the server, it became part of the HTML source code and was visible to anyone with access to the site. To protect against this, browsers came up with workarounds like cookies and redirects. This simply prevented files from being visible on the Internet. If we assume that all browsers (or clients) are configured in the same way, then this is not an issue. However, this isn’t always how things work out in practice. As we all know, there are different versions of browsers available for different platforms and will usually be configured differently as well. So, even if a user is on a Website, they may be unable to view a file that was uploaded by someone else. The solution to this was to have the server send an HTTP response code to browsers informing them that the file was not meant for public viewing. There are still some major websites that do not implement proper protection against file uploads. For example, most torrent sites do not use any kind of protection on files and instead rely on IP address filtering or encryption to secure downloads.


When it comes to security, HTTP1 is not a very secure protocol. There are many types of attacks that can be launched via HTTP1, and most of them are still viable unless the user is behind a strong firewall. SSL/TLS is supposed to be used in conjunction with HTTP1; however, this can lead to another problem. For example, in the past, it was possible for an attacker to launch a man-in-the-middle attack on the network and hijack an SSL site with relative ease. While this is no longer possible, the underlying issues still remain with HTTP1.
The main issue with HTTP1 is that it does not use encryption. Using the classic example of a credit card purchase with an online merchant, all the information that is entered and sent is sent in plain text. The only thing protecting this data from prying eyes are passwords and usernames; however, there have been major data breaches in the past that have resulted in users having their usernames and passwords stolen by attackers. This has resulted in some companies being forced to reset everyone’s username and password for their sites because of these major breaches.


Points to Remember:

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