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What Is Docker Volume Inspect ?

“docker volume inspect” is a command line interface (CLI) used to extract detailed information about Docker volume. Docker volumes are mainly used to maintain the state of the application which means in other words it is used for the stateful applications.

What Is Docker Volume?

Docker volume is a way to manage the state of the containerized application which other docker containers can reuse they can be reusable with other containers. Data of the application will persist even if the container associated with that volume is stopped or even removed.

Docker volume will mainly used for applications that maintain stateful data share data between containers, or ensure data durability.

How To List All the Docker Volumes

To list all the docker volumes that are present in the docker host you can use the below command.

docker volume list

In the above image you can see that one volume was present and the driver used to create that volume was the local driver.

Types Of Docker Volume Drivers

Following are some types of docker types of docker volume drivers

Steps To Inspect Docker Volume

Follow the steps mentioned below to see all the docker volumes avalible in the docker host

Step 1: List all the docker volumes with the help of below command.

Step 2: To inspect that volume you can use the below command as showin the image below.

docker volume inspect <Name of the volume>

Here i am using the following command because the name of the volume was GFG-Volume.

docker volume inspect GFG-Volume.

Why We Need to Inspect the Docker Volume

Docker volume inspect will shows you the following details i will take an example of the things shown in my docker volume and explain in detail.

docker volume inspect provides the following output,

Dcoker Volume Inspect Verbose

The “docker volume inspect” command in Docker is used to display detailed information about a specified volume. You can use the docker volume inspect with the other commands for more detailed information such as.

docker volume inspect my_volume | jq

To get the output in the jason format you can use the “jq”.If you don’t have jq installed, you can simply use standard Linux commands to view the information:

docker volume inspect my_volume | cat

This will display the raw JSON output of the volume inspection. You can adjust these commands based on your specific needs and the information you’re looking to extract from the volume configuration.

Docker Volume Inspect – FAQ’s

Can I access a docker volume?

Yes, you can access the contents of a Docker volume directly on the host machine where Docker is running. Docker volumes are typically mounted at specific paths on the host, allowing you to read or modify the data stored in those volumes.

How do I inspect a docker container file?

To inspect the file in the docker container use the following command.

docker exec -it your_container_name_or_id cat /path/to/your/file.txt

Can I access a docker volume?

Yes, you can access the contents of a Docker volume outside of the container. Docker volumes are designed to persist data beyond the lifecycle of a container and can be mounted to other containers or accessed directly from the host machine.

Linux: Volumes are typically stored in /var/lib/docker/volumes/. Default path in linux.
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