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What is Docker Cloud?

Pre-requisite:- Docker

Docker is a software platform that provides some special kind of facilities, like a service provider that allows you to build, test and deploy your application in centralized processing and quickly. So, the Docker Cloud is basically working as a service provider by Docker in which we can perform such as Operation system agnostic, packing only what is needed to run the application in an efficient manner, and easily moving to interact between infrastructure, among many others.

Terminologies of Docker Cloud


Operations of Docker Cloud

  1. Nodes:– Connection between the cloud services provider such as MS Azure and AWS to run up containers.
  2. Data Processing:– Provide big data processing as a service package.
  3. Cloud Repository:– Provide a platform where we can store a number of versions in a specific Docker Image.
  4. Continuous Implementation:– Connect with GitHub and build a continuous integration pipeline.
  5. App Deployment:– Scale the Infrastructure and Containers with deployment.
  6. Consist Deployment:– it can be automated deployment.

Docker Cloud Features

Steps for Containerization Process 

Step 1: Login to the Docker Cloud site


Step 2: Now we connect to the cloud provider so, first ensure that you have the right AWS keys. That can be taken from the AWS Console.


Once you logged in, go to the security credential section, then make a note to access the keys which will be used from Docker Hub.

Step 3: Next, create a policy in AWS that will give permission to view EC2 instances. for creating a go-to profile section in AWS. Click on to create policy button. save the policy name as “dockercloudpolicy” 

"Version" : "2017-10-17",
"Statement" : [ {
   "Action" " [
       "Effect" : "Allow",
       "Resource" : "*"
       } ]

Step 4: After the creation policy, you need to come back to Docker Hub and make a container image using python or Ngnix, Ubuntu, or Redis and deploy.


How does Container enhance the Deployment Process?

With Containers, these processes are actually simplified. now the development and operations team could be on the same page using the containers, and no configuration is needed on the server, except the Docker runtime server. That is just a one-time effort.

Developers and Operations teams can stay on the same page through the overall development process thanks to packaging the application in a container.



Docker Cloud makes it easy for new users to manage and deploy the full efficiency or spectrum of the application, from microservices stacks to any cloud infrastructure.

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