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What is Dialog Initiative in HCI?

In Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Dialog Initiative refers to which party, the user or the system, has control over the conversation or interaction at a given time.

User Initiative

User initiative occurs when the user has control over the interaction. This means the user determines the pace, direction, and nature of the interaction with the system. In a text messaging app, the user decides when to send a message, whom to send it to, and what the message should say. The app responds to the user’s inputs, but the user ultimately controls the conversation.

System Initiative

System initiative occurs when the system guides the interaction and determines the flow of conversation. The system presents options, prompts, or suggestions to the user, leading them through a predefined path. In an automated phone menu system, the system provides a series of options for the user to choose from (e.g., “Press 1 for sales, press 2 for support”). The user responds to the system’s prompts, following the path laid out by the system.

In practice, many interactions involve a combination of user and system initiative, with the system guiding the user through certain tasks while allowing the user to take control in other areas. Effective HCI design considers the balance between user and system initiative to create a positive and engaging user experience.

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