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What Is AWS Secrets Manager ?

AWS Secret Manager is a service that stores our sensitive information as keys and gets encrypted as part of a secret. We will fetch our secrets using code. In this article, we will describe what a Secret Manager is, how it works, and what are benefits and best practices of using Secret Manager are. We will also create sample secrets using the AWS console.

What Is AWS Secret Manager?

AWS Secret Manager is an AWS service that stores secrets such as passwords, login credentials, third-party keys, and other similar confidential information. It saves and manages credentials. It enables us to modify or rotate our credentials effortlessly, eliminating any code or configuration changes.

How Does AWS Secret Manager Work?

Benefits Of Using AWS Secrets Manager

Best Practices For Secret Manager

Steps To Store Secret From AWS Console

Step 1: Open and log in to AWS Management Console.

Step 2: Open AWS Secrets Manager dashboard by clicking on the service “Service Manager”.

Step 3: Choose Secrets in the navigation bar.

Step 4: Click on “Store a new secret” on dashboard.

Step 5: Add secret key and value and click on “next”

Step 6: Add The Secret name as per your choice and click on “next”.

Step 7: Configure rotation as optional, so click on next and see preview and click on “store”. This will create new secret manager with keys stored.

Pricing Of AWS Secret Manager

We pay for AWS Secrets Manager depending on the number of secrets stored and the number of API calls made as it is a pay-as-you-go service. There are no hidden charges or long-term commitments. There is a 30-day free trial period during which we can try AWS Secrets Manager at no cost. The free trial period begins when we store your first secret. After the free trial period, we will be charged $0.40 per secret every month and $0.05 for 10,000 API calls.


The use of a secrets manager, such as AWS Secrets Manager, is needed for maintaining secure and efficient handling of sensitive information within an organization. By centralizing, securing, and providing tracking and visibility for governance and auditing of secrets, organizations can significantly enhance their security measures and simplify the management of sensitive data. when we don’t manage secrets correctly , it can lead to serious consequences, including data breaches, system outages, and unauthorized access. In conclusion, the use of a secrets manager is a fundamental practice for organizations seeking to strengthen their security posture and protect their valuable data from unauthorized access and exposure.

AWS Secrets Manager – FAQs

How Does AWS Secrets Manager Keep My Secrets Secure?

AWS Secrets Manager encrypts at rest using encryption keys that we own and store in AWS Key Management Service (KMS). We can control access to the secret using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies. When we retrieve a secret, Secrets Manager decrypts the secret and transmits it securely over TLS to our local environment. By default, Secrets Manager does not write or cache the secret to persistent storage.

How Can My Application Use These Secrets?

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy permits our application to access specific secrets. Then, in the application source code, we can replace secrets in plain text with code to retrieve these secrets programmatically using the Secrets Manager APIs.

Why Should I Use AWS Secrets Manager?

AWS Secrets Manager protects access to our applications, services, and IT resources, without the upfront investment and on-going maintenance costs of operating our own infrastructure.

What Happens When I Rotate My Secret?

When a secret is rotated, a new version of its value becomes available for use. You can choose to manually add a value or automatically generate one at regular intervals by enabling automatic rotation.

What Happens When My Secret Expires?

When the secret reaches its expiration date, it transitions to a Destroyed state. When the transition happens, the value that is associated with the secret is no longer recoverable. The transition to the Destroyed state can take up to a couple of minutes after the secret expires, or a lock that prevented expiration is removed.

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